Satchel and Doobie wanted out, of course. They are confined to the house. The squirrel, Skippy, was out there begging me for raw peanuts.

Bunjii likes the window over the freezer chest. He sleeps there sometimes. Bunjii absolutely does not get along with Doobie. The little guy chases Bunjii. Bunjii is a fraidy cat and runs, which only encourages the youngster.

Satchel will stand like that for a long time. Of course, so long as Skippy is out there on the steps, he will even make noises at the squirrel. "A-A-C-K...A-A-C-K."
Hobbes is primping up for this weekend's big barbecue over at Elkhound's place. He wants to take Rosie along as his 'date.' I told him Rosie is shy and wouldn't enjoy the shindig, so he's coming along with me. We are bachelors, of course, so we like to go together so we can keep an eye on each other. He needs watching!