Divorce Survey

Take this survey
Have you ever been married? yes
How many times? 2 times
Have you ever been divorced? yes
How many times? 2 times
Why did you marry your spouse(s)? sex
How long did it last? 26 years last time
Did you have a fairy-tale wedding? yes
How many bridesmaids/groomsmen? 4
Where did you honeymoon? Carmel, CA
Did you live with them before you married them? yes
Where did you meet them? in a class
How long after you met them did you have sex with them? 2 days
Did you have kids before you got married? no
When did it start to fall apart? I don't know
Who emotionally pulled away first? she
Why? she cheated 20 years
Did either of you cheat? yes
If so, who cheated first? she did. I never did.
Did you try to save your marriage? yes
How so? ?
Are you friends now? no
Who do the kids live with? no kids
Was the divorce friendly? no
Does he/she pay child support regularly and on time? no
Did you have sex with him/her during the time you were separated? no
Was it better than when you were married? none
Did you have sex with him after the divorce? ?
Was it better than when you were married? ?
Do you want him/her back? no
Have they remarried? no
Are they happy? ?
Do you still talk to them? no
Do you still love them? no
Do you like their new spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend? ?
How long has it been since your divorce? 4 years and counting
How long has it been since you spoke to them last? 4 years
More MySpace Surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com
MySpace must be really a lowbrow blog. I'm putting this one under "Boring."
both, and they are both now deceased. I call myself a divorced
widow! (PS been meaning to tell you I'm crazy about your avatar