I developed a soreness in my left eye Friday. Saturday it hurt like the dickens and was puffing my lid and lower "bag" area. My nose hurt on that side like it was sinus. It was impossible to get to the eye doc till this morning, and I saw him at 10am. He tested everything and it isn't the internal eye. He thinks it may be an infection in the lining and or muscles around it, or that it has spread into the sinus cavities. So he referred me to an eye surgeon in Findlay.
I can't drive without great difficulty because the left eye does not coordinate with the right eye very well. My uncle Jim is taking me there in an hour.
I buffered the cat bowls just in case I am hospitalized, but I will resist that.
I will keep you informed.
I need that eye. I am an artist.
Is most of the new swelling a reaction to the examination?
Anyway, if fooling around on the puter hurts, don't. Better we worry than you hurt
I would lift my middle finger at medicare on your behalf
Take care of yourself