Near as I can tell, the pic is visible below. I've been taking an online photography course to make winter tolerable, so below is a sample of an ordinary thing in a new situation. The two plants on the sides are onion tops. I have them on a bright out-of-the-way window sill so hopefully neglect will keep them alive. So far, so good.
The photographic assignment for this week is the selfie. After all the avatar pics I take for here and fb you'd think I'd be good at it, but no. My self portraits are not up to par for class. It's always been easier anyway to have Donna take the shots since she can tell me to move my head just a bit to get the glare off my glasses. That adds even another complication to the selfie.
Wal-mart has seeds on sale already for spring. Several months early for me since I no longer start seeds indoors, but it's a good sign that spring is coming. I learned my lesson about buying early last year when I hesitated and couldn't get as much yellow squash as I wanted.
This year's seeds include: yellow squash (a few varieties), zucchini, cukes (two varieties), butternut squash, sweet pumpkin and maybe that's it. The tomatoes and peppers will come from the local nursery when the time for planting gets close--which isn't until Memorial Day.
Ok, here's the pic, and don't forget, spring is coming! It was -20.6 here the other night, coldest I've seen since I moved here 10 years ago, but spring is coming nonetheless.

zero. That would sure enough be a three dog night. Miss you when you don't post.