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Men Are From Mars....

Politics & Legal > The Dumbing Down is Complete

The Dumbing Down is Complete

So, half the population got conned by Trump. But we (the left-leaning Americans) may actually get the last laugh.

I've watched the situation closely for the past week and listened to Trump in the 60 Minutes interview and other sources, and although he'll surround himself with lobbyists and republican hasbeens, he seems to realize that his changes will come slowly and what he said to obtain votes is not quite the same thing as what reality will permit.

The first Supreme Court nomination will produce a 5-4 court, but it will take more than that to overturn the current law of the land.

He'll settle for a fence in some places instead of a wall, and perhaps most important:

Many of his idiot supporters will feel betrayed by his statements last night about being and all-inclusive president and a uniter rather than a divider. His goons had taken his words to give them permission to intimidate and harass minorities and immigrants, and last night in public on a widely viewed form he took it all back.

Yeah, if I was one of those guys hiding in the woods with a bunch of guns I'd definitely feel betrayed.

Some sources suggest that there's more going on than Soro's demonstrations in the cities and I believe it. A guy in Missouri whose company sells solar and wind power equipment is overwhelmed with calls. Righties and lefties want to get off the grid in contemplation of disaster.

But disaster has been promised dozens of times in this country and I'm too optimistic to believe that this will actually be the end. I just can't imagine becoming a full-blown prepper.

Not that it isn't a good idea to stockpile necessities whenever possible, but there are limits. Medication and gasoline to name two.

I'd really like to see an account of how people are getting by day-to-day in Greece and Venezuela and other countries with runaway inflation and unemployment. But that isn't new in history and their worlds haven't ended.

I think the Chinese own too much of the US of A to cause serious instability and the Russians can't afford war with the West any more than we can. Putin causes problems in his part of the world but that's been going on there for centuries.

So, not that I have a choice anyway but I'll willing to wait and see how Trump handles the situation. Seems like filling the West Wing came to a surprise to him and we'll see what else he wasn't expecting, but one man, even the president isn't all powerful.

So for me, for now, it's life as usual.

posted on Nov 14, 2016 7:21 PM ()


I am both horrified and amazed. I understand the KLan is planning a
parade in North Carolina.
comment by elderjane on Nov 15, 2016 9:55 AM ()
Yup, I heard that too. But apparently Donald will disavow any influence. These people (KKK et. al.) have been around long before Trump. Without his permission to act publicly they will probably shrink back into the woods.
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 15, 2016 10:58 AM ()
yeah the 60 minutes interview was a pleasant surprise.... I'm nervous every bit, it is what it is. If these hate crimes die down and stay that way things might just be ok, aside from abortion.
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 15, 2016 5:04 AM ()
There are riots after every civilian who gets killed by a cop but they do die down. I haven't even heard anything about BLM since the election. It will be awhile before they can mess with Roe. First he has to stack the court and then come up with a new challenge that the new court agrees to hear. Roe will be the law of the land for awhile and anything can happen in between.
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 15, 2016 9:07 AM ()
I agree. His electorate thought it wasn't business as usual, but even if he wasn't (supposedly) a politician, he is now, and everyone should know politicians'll say anything to get elected.
comment by troutbend on Nov 15, 2016 5:04 AM ()
Yeah, it did quite a job on them. I wonder if he really was surprised that he won. It's possible.
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 15, 2016 9:04 AM ()
In my book (The man who bought America) it will be interesting to see how he goes.
comment by kevinshere on Nov 14, 2016 8:59 PM ()
You guys made the news the other day, something about muslems but I can't remember. See life gets easier as you get older, you quickly forget the bad ####.
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 15, 2016 9:03 AM ()
I promised myself I wouldn't make any political comments until January--Damn me!!!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 14, 2016 8:07 PM ()
Good reason to hang in for 2 months!
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 15, 2016 9:02 AM ()

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