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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Buster's Behavior

Buster's Behavior

Buster's behavior has changed considerably since he became the only dog last weekend. On the positive side, his appetite is still good although he no longer eats on the old schedule of breakfast and dinner. I put the food down in the morning and he doesn't usually touch it til noon or later if we've been outside. This could be normal, since he no longer feels competition for food. There never was, but that didn't stop him from acting as if there was.

He sniffed around Benny's grave for the first two days, but that behavior has extinguished (for now). It was present for the burial and found it distressing. He also avoided Benny's body before the burial. It's as if he knew what had happened and though it was contagious or something. There's probably a good evolutionary reason for this, perhaps because death was often caused by contagious disease. I have often wondered what the experience was for the first "cave man" who saw is buddy dead on the side of the trail and thought, "geez, that will be me some day".

Anyway, Buster lifts his foot in the morning for a belly rub but makes no effort to get up and has no desire to go out. He's always been like that, wiz twice and drink water once or twice a day. The camel we call him sometimes. I take him outside with me on a leash (for his safety) and he stays close. He wanted to lay next to the logs I was splitting the other day, but that isn't safe. The rest of the time I let him stay as close as he want's to.

I'm thinking about a play date for him with a beagle. Not sure if he needs that or not, but it can't hurt. Well, unless I'm forgetting something significant it seems that he's Ok. But thoughts on the subject are welcome.

posted on Aug 1, 2015 7:57 PM ()


Are you thinking of getting another dog?
comment by greatmartin on Aug 2, 2015 2:11 PM ()
I always think of that, but I won't.
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 2, 2015 7:45 PM ()
It is interesting to me that all animals grieve. And much like us, they all do it differently. I think he is doing ok since he is eating. I am sure he is very sad, like the rest of you, at the loss of his bestie. I wish you all the best and you are all in my thoughts.
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 2, 2015 5:33 AM ()
Thanks, he was much better today, wanting to play when we went out after dinner. Play date next weekend. He'll have more fun doing it with another dog who can keep up with him..
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 2, 2015 7:45 PM ()
I think our pets grieve. Buster will get to enjoying being your one
and only. I am so sorry that you lost Benny. I am not looking forward
to the day we lose Rex. He is very much a part of the family.
comment by elderjane on Aug 2, 2015 3:09 AM ()
It's a tough thing to contemplate, but I knew that something was going to get Benny. He had more lives than a cat, but they were bound to run out. It turnout Ok for what it is: He went rather quickly without suffering but it wasn't as sudden as a car accident. I've only had a few dogs since I was a kid because they lived to old age. Chuck, before Benny was 18. But Benny was the first to die and be buried at home and that was good for everybody including him.
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 2, 2015 7:43 PM ()
Benny was about 16, that's how old my dog Buddy was. I'm sorry. Dogs are really good to us. Catdancer's thought on waiting at least a week before socializing Buster sounds right. In a little while, another dog's presence to interest him and distract him could be really good.
comment by drmaus on Aug 1, 2015 8:40 PM ()
He wanted to play today and doing it with another dog is probably more fun than doing it with me. Next week sounds like a good plan to me too.
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 2, 2015 7:40 PM ()
For now, just keep him close and give him time to grieve and adapt to the loss. He will need to adjust to being an "only" too. I think they recognize death - at least my pets always have. He's probably especially tuned into your emotions about the loss.

When my Bella died in Oct. 2013, my other two stayed much closer to me for a while. Then Cassie died a few weeks later and I thought Gertie was going to fall apart. They had been inseparable. She surprised me though. She stuck close but also seemed more confident after a while. I don't think she had ever been an "only" dog and she seemed to enjoy it.

A play date is a good idea but I'd wait for another week or so. That's just my opinion - ymmv.

My heart goes out to you - you've lost three pets in just a few months.
comment by catdancer on Aug 1, 2015 8:23 PM ()
He was doing much better this afternoon. If you know how coonhounds stomp and lower their front end when they want to play, well, that Was Buster. Looking from side to side and doing the dip and baying. Of course another dog would have a much easier time engaging in the play than I do. Next week sounds goo for a play date to me too.
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 2, 2015 7:38 PM ()

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