Enough is enough. All over the globe, American is bad mouthed as the most meddlesome, power-hungry, warmongering nation in the world. YET, when the world wants something done and they want it done right, they come calling, expecting the US to foot the bill and do the heavy lifting. Case in point: Libya. We have absolutely no reason to be involved there. And getting other nations to take the lead after we too-hastily put our foot in the door, is as difficult as pulling teeth.
My opinion: Our troops and technology are for defending our interests. It's OK to help out when we can. But let the rich nations of that region and the interested parties deal with Libya and every other little red-neck ruler that wants to squawk and cause problems.
OK. I feel better.
Note to my dem-lib readers: Don't bring up Iraq. I don't think we should have gone there either.