This is the fourth or fifth time I've had to go out of my way to "re-sign" documents involved in the closing for this house. The real estate agent just cannot seem to go get it together. We are out of town and find it very inconvenient that every week or so we have to print out a document, sign and initial it and fax it back to the real estate agent. These are documents we signed and initialed on the day we signed the contract. Half an hour's worth of signatures and I've had to go to her office once and fax documents twice or three times and today makes yet another two pages that were not signed or initialed properly at the original signing. ARGH!!! Get it together, lady, and ask for EVERYTHING in one meeting.

In other news, it's cold out here in West Virginia and I'm lovin' it. Jennifer not so much. I took her out on a little date today. Chinese buffet. A little shopping and a quick snack at McDonald's. She's starting to feel the weight of her stomach a little more acutely, so she gets tired faster. Good for me, since I HATE shopping. She gets a little worried that she doesn't feel much fluttering right now, but I told her it's early still. Just wait till the real kicking starts. LOL