You heard right. I got a kitten today. Actually, my two colleagues and I EACH got a kitten. So, I'm learning all about how to care for it. Lest anyone think I've gone soft in the brain, I'm primarily interested in teaching it to hunt rats. I do plan to make it some of those neat little cat toys that Marg posted a few days ago on her blog. I might even make a set for her cats. Do they share, Marg? Or should I make TWO sets?
This kitten is about six weeks old, so soon I'll need to take her in for parasite medicine and at three months her vaccinations.
posted on Oct 3, 2008 7:13 PM ()
She is going to grow up so fast. I love to watch kittens play .
Weren't those Lion Brand cat toys were crocheted? I made a couple of extra fish when I was knitting my fish blanket but I still need to stuff and stitch before the kitties can play with it.
Right now, the rats are bigger than the kitten! Hope the cat doesn't catch birds. I hate when that happens.
What a cutie!
Sweet little kitty! Mine share, but they have so many to choose from and are good to play together! Of course, they are bottle babies so have a close tie.
Looks like a good rat catcher to me. Our cats do share but only grudgingly. Make them lots of toys.
She doesn't look happy. Looks scared. Cats don't like changes.