There's not really much to say, but it's been a while since I posted and we really should do our part to make MyBloggers interesting. So, here goes...
On the tip of my mind is this: I'm seriously thinking about writing about my beliefs. Not in an effort to convince anyone, but in the spirit of offering a reasoned defense of the faith. Mine IS a reasoned and reasonable faith, as is that of thousands of others. It's just a budding idea that keeps coming to mind, but I know full well that I dare not approach the subject without a great deal of research first. My detractors here will be many and quite vicious.

In other "news": I'm at the in-laws in West Virginia, enjoying the chilly weather and the prospect of snow this weekend, even if it isn't intended to stick. Jenn is five months along and stocking up on baby stuff for our upcoming little girl. She was kicking Jenn in church tonight. (No, Randy, she wasn't rejecting the message of the Gospel. All babies do that. LOL)

 Just getting over a bad sinus flare up. I don't know what else to call it. No infection, just copious amounts of thick...well, you know, and severe congestion. It came with a slight cough, still lingering.Someone tried to talk me into using one of these?????

I'm anxious to get back to Oklahoma and close on a house we've signed a contract for. Fixer-upper, great deal. I'm so ready to have ALL of Jenn's and my stuff ALL in ONE place and not strung out from West Virginia to Taiwan. All in one house, it's an amazing prospect for us. I'm buying one of Fanny Mae's repossessed home, so in a way, I really believe I'm helping the economy. The home will be worth so much more after we've finished working on it.

I'm amazed at the odd people I see in public these days. Very odd. In fact, I think they TRY really hard to be odd. And I still cannot get used to seeing people in pajama bottoms in public. Honestly, I guess we could just all run around in our underwear these days and no one would care. The world really doesn't want me to do that.
And the totally random fact of the day (as if this entire post wasn't random enough), I was looking on iTunes for free university Chinese courses. Not much to choose from. I read in the Reader's Digest that one can study almost any university level course on iTunes U. Pretty cool stuff over there.
And, Jennifer and I will soon have to bite the bullet and buy cell service, complete with the newfangled phones with all the latest bells and whistles. Perhaps we've already succumbed to the American materialistic worldview, but it's what we want. However, I told Jenn we had to wait. Priorities, people. LOL I crack me up.