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Life & Events > Just for the Sake of Blogging

Just for the Sake of Blogging

There's not really much to say, but it's been a while since I posted and we really should do our part to make MyBloggers interesting. So, here goes...

On the tip of my mind is this: I'm seriously thinking about writing about my beliefs. Not in an effort to convince anyone, but in the spirit of offering a reasoned defense of the faith. Mine IS a reasoned and reasonable faith, as is that of thousands of others. It's just a budding idea that keeps coming to mind, but I know full well that I dare not approach the subject without a great deal of research first. My detractors here will be many and quite vicious.In other "news": I'm at the in-laws in West Virginia, enjoying the chilly weather and the prospect of snow this weekend, even if it isn't intended to stick. Jenn is five months along and stocking up on baby stuff for our upcoming little girl. She was kicking Jenn in church tonight. (No, Randy, she wasn't rejecting the message of the Gospel. All babies do that. LOL) Just getting over a bad sinus flare up. I don't know what else to call it. No infection, just copious amounts of thick...well, you know, and severe congestion. It came with a slight cough, still lingering.Someone tried to talk me into using one of these?????I'm anxious to get back to Oklahoma and close on a house we've signed a contract for. Fixer-upper, great deal. I'm so ready to have ALL of Jenn's and my stuff ALL in ONE place and not strung out from West Virginia to Taiwan. All in one house, it's an amazing prospect for us. I'm buying one of Fanny Mae's repossessed home, so in a way, I really believe I'm helping the economy. The home will be worth so much more after we've finished working on it.I'm amazed at the odd people I see in public these days. Very odd. In fact, I think they TRY really hard to be odd. And I still cannot get used to seeing people in pajama bottoms in public. Honestly, I guess we could just all run around in our underwear these days and no one would care. The world really doesn't want me to do that.
And the totally random fact of the day (as if this entire post wasn't random enough), I was looking on iTunes for free university Chinese courses. Not much to choose from. I read in the Reader's Digest that one can study almost any university level course on iTunes U. Pretty cool stuff over there.
And, Jennifer and I will soon have to bite the bullet and buy cell service, complete with the newfangled phones with all the latest bells and whistles. Perhaps we've already succumbed to the American materialistic worldview, but it's what we want. However, I told Jenn we had to wait. Priorities, people. LOL I crack me up.

posted on Mar 23, 2011 8:07 PM ()


It's so good to hear from you. I can think of only two mybloggers members who would give you a hard time about your faith, it's just that they are so vociferous, but they've already claimed herein that they will be tolerant (I'll believe it when I see it), so have at it. Hugs and excitement regarding your new home and the baby. I'm thinking about those two Christmas trees having a home.
comment by troutbend on Mar 24, 2011 5:52 PM ()
I have a jitterbug phone that does nothing but call and I don't miss anything else. I am so happy for you on becoming a home owner. Ted and I
bought a couple of fixer uppers when we were first married and then resold
them but we don't have the energy now. It was a lot of fun for us. It is
also fun to scrounge furniture and fix it up. I will be looking out for
furniture for you...someone is always wanting something perfectly serviceable hauled away.
comment by elderjane on Mar 24, 2011 7:13 AM ()
Thanks, Jeri. I'm excited about working on this house, although I don't claim to know much about what I'm doing. I can, however, patch things up and paint. Carpet laying is a job for a professional.
Can you believe it is supposed to snow this weekend in West Virginia. I distinctly remember telling Jennifer yesterday, "I wish it would snow one more time." LOL
reply by jerms on Mar 24, 2011 8:17 AM ()
I hereby promise to refrain from posting any comments regarding a future post on "My Faith". As long as we're both happy in our own skins (or pajamas!). And I'm with Martin on the cell phone thing (despite Teal's comment). Jenn's "song of the month" should be "I get a kick out of you" (a real song). Good luck and keep us informed on the new move.
comment by solitaire on Mar 24, 2011 7:04 AM ()
Hey, don't make promises like that, just remember to be nice. Sadly, I cannot feel any of those kicks yet. My dad is excited. This is the first girl in our family. He had all sons and grandsons up until now.
People are buying her clothes like crazy, which is really good for our budget!
reply by jerms on Mar 24, 2011 8:15 AM ()
You don't have to 'defend your faith.' Faith is stronger than any form of attack. And yours is even stronger than most.
comment by jondude on Mar 24, 2011 6:23 AM ()
Thank you, Jon. However, I DO think that faith should be based on facts. Blind faith is one of the silliest notions mankind ever invented. It adequately describes what most of society subscribes to.
reply by jerms on Mar 24, 2011 8:12 AM ()
Ed and I have Boost cell phones (the phone of choice, I am told, for drug dealers -- so convenient) -- $20 or $30 or $40 card for 3 months, rollover minutes if you renew before deadline (else you lose them). No apps. Whatever features it has we don't activate (so non-techie are we). We have them for convenience and emergencies and traveling only and still rely on our land line.

I don't consider myself an atheist exactly and when I examine my feelings, I realize that it isn't so much a deity that annoys me, it's the way believing has infected so many who are faithful to place themselves above others and commit acts of control, or terror, or just plain obnoxious behavior.
comment by tealstar on Mar 24, 2011 5:59 AM ()
Right now, we have a Go-phone which is much like what you described here. I love it. Pay as you go.

Some atheists throughout history have done all of the things you just mentioned. Not all of them, mind you, but then again many of "the faithful" haven't done those things either. I regret that many so-called Christians have so poorly represented the Christ they claim to follow.
reply by jerms on Mar 24, 2011 8:11 AM ()
I live in a big city, don't have a car so I don't worry about trudging anywhere--IF I do go outside of city it would be with a friend
who probably will be carrying a cell phone---plus I always carry a paddle but not a cell phone!
reply by greatmartin on Mar 24, 2011 7:57 AM ()
I've survived 75 years without a cell phone and I plan to survive another 75 without one!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 23, 2011 8:29 PM ()
I hear ya, Teal, but seriously, Martin has made it this far without one. He could go down in history as the last member of society without one. I'm amazed at all the children who now have cell phones. Go figure.
reply by jerms on Mar 24, 2011 8:07 AM ()
Hope you don't find yourself on a lonely road or up s creek without a paddle and have to rely on trudging umpteen miles before you get to a gas station. Cell phones don't have to dominate your life, but they are great in an emergency.
reply by tealstar on Mar 24, 2011 6:00 AM ()

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