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Parenting & Family > Childcare > Stressed and Annoyed! Moan Warning!

Stressed and Annoyed! Moan Warning!

I kid you not being a stay at home full-time mum is the toughest job going. Maybe it is my patience that is in short supply at the minute but I seem to lose my rag on an hourly basis. Maybe it is my children that really are difficult and constantly push the boundaries. Maybe it is just me. I am constantly knackered, especially now that my 2 year old no longer needs a sleep during the day (she'd like a sleep but if she had one she doesn't go down at night very early!!). This means I don't get a lot of down time until they are in their bed and even then evenings consist of tiding up and sorting out washing. 
What frustrates me most is when I do try and do some chores. Take the other day it was the first dry day in weeks and I decided to wash my windows on the outside. I have a squeegee so it doesn't take too long (not the point though) but no sooner had I finished than the first ones were covered in sand!! AArrggghhhhh!!! WTF!? L had thought they needed "painted" with frichin' gutters (mud). I was furious. The same happens when I wash the kitchen floor. i do try and do it in the evening but sometimes it needs it long before that. Ie when my daughter (who is toilet training) forgets to go or they spill juice all over it. You get muddy feet or they spill on it, again. Nightmare.
It is not just the kids though. DH keeps going on about the place being untidy all the time. Well I am constantly picking up after him too. He'll have a snack at night normally milk and crisps or something. He does take them too the kitchen when he's done but instead of walking a few feet more to put his glass in the sink or his rubbish in the bin he leaves them on the counter. AArrgghhhh! No wonder the kids leave things at their backside. I am tempted to leave his stuff sitting for a few days and see when he actually decides to do something about it!! It is a good idea in theory but I know it would just piss me off. I am not a neat freak by any means but jeez tiding up behind yourself shouldn't be too difficult, should it?

posted on June 18, 2009 3:00 AM ()

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