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Parenting & Family > Childcare > How it Didn't Break ... ...

How it Didn't Break ... ...

....I will never know!?
It is only 11 o'Clock and already my kids have been on the naughty step twice (each) and my eldest has been in time out for throwing a strop and generally not listening to reason.
Jeez I have been doing my dinger this morning. Things always go tits up when I think I am ahead of the game in the housework stakes! I was up at 7 (thanks to L and the baby deciding that it was time for crispies) which meant an early load of washing in the machine and what was washed through the night could go out on the line. Dishwasher emptied, and half reloaded again - my hands break out if I wash by hand and I react to gloves! That is not an excuse, if I do it my hands take a good week to ten days to recover!
I also decided to make a pot of soup. One all the family can eat, even my daughter who is allergic to wheat, dairy and egg. It is a cracker (even if I say so myself) very thick stick to the ribs stuff. Potatoes, sweet potato, carrots, onion and butternut squash all blended into a thick, orange mix. I actually think the wheat and dairy free stock cubes I buy for my daughter taste better as there is hardly anything in them.
Soup on and breakfast over I then thought it was time for as coffee - this was when the sh!t very nearly hit the fan. J has been practicing for the "Olympics" at nursery and I thing the throwing events have been the focus of late because everything he picks up he then throws! Well our new tv nearly got it today. Instead (thankfully) the collareral damage was his sunflower seedling (brought home from nursery yesterday) and the indoor arial.
I scraped up the sunflower and stuffed it back in the pot - I am no greenfingered godess (I can grow cress) but I think I brought it back from the brink. The arial was not as bad as it looked on the first inspection, it clipped back together and seems to be ok, if a little bent. Who knows maybe our reception will be clearer! LOL
Better go and dish up the veggie concoction and see if the boys like it. It is a great way to cheat them into eating what they claim is "yucky" without realising! MMmm sneaky.

posted on May 27, 2008 3:22 AM ()

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