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Unusual State Of Being

Life & Events > A Long Week

A Long Week

First of all, I have to tell you all about something that happened yesterday. One of our neighbor's who recently moved in next door to us recently was jailed for abusing and torturing his 3 month-old puppy. A passerby had heard the dog wimpering and screeching from inside the man's house and called the cops. The puppy was removed after the cops and a local Humane Society person came to investigate. The puppy (the most adorable little German Shephard mix) was found to have suffered 2 fractured ribs (as well as old fractures), leg fracture, and a BROKEN NECK that supposedly healed. What kind of person could do something so evil to a defensive, helpless little puppy? I had a feeling about the guy. He also has a black lab puppy which is still in his possession - apparently the Humane Society will be there Monday to remove it. This puppy is around 2 months old, and is horribly thin...ribs showing, etc. I mean the thing looks like its being starved to death. I'm keeping my ears and eyes open whenever I see him outside with the puppy. My mom thinks he has a little poodle too, but I haven't seen that one. It is all so terrible. I feel so bad for those animals! He is married. I've seen his wife a few times, but neither of them are friendly. Doesn't the wife have some responsibility in all of this too?? I mean she must have been there witnessing his abuse/torture of the puppy. Maybe she's a victim herself..who knows.

The beginning of the week was good. I had a nice time with the guy I went out with on Saturday. We ended up taking the Amtrak train into Chicago for the day. It was a fairly decent day overall. I really enjoyed his company. When we were in Chicago, we went to The Navy Pier, The Museum of Science and Industry, and the Sears Tower. We also rode the subway/el train. Here are more pics of what we did in Chicago: (sorry they're so big)

The Museum of Science and Industry

The Navy Pier - beer garden

The Sears Tower

View from Sears sky deck

The subway/el train

This is a picture that Brent took from a top Sears Tower

The trip back to Milwaukee, on Amtrak, gave Brent and I a chance to talk more. He's a great guy. It will be interesting to see if anything develops between us. I'll be seeing him again next week.

I'll try to post sometime next week. It's been crazy busy!

posted on Dec 1, 2012 3:27 PM ()


Chicago!!! I'd love to go there, but whenever I am in Milwaukee it's for family events like Christmas and I can't get away... Thanks for the pics and the reminder that I need to get there!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 6, 2012 11:52 AM ()
A child molester has a better chance of staying in good health around here than your neighbor would.
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 2, 2012 3:16 PM ()
PS 'if anything develops between us.' NO EXPECTATIONS!!!!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 1, 2012 7:55 PM ()
They should take that guy and do to him what he did to the puppy!!

Sounds like a nice day but no pictures of the 2 of you????
By the way do yourself a favor--put all the information--date/his name/occasion and details---I look at pictures I took when I was 20 (OMG! 56 years ago!!! LOL) and I can't recall very much about it--plus 50 years from now they will be part of the history of the city.
comment by greatmartin on Dec 1, 2012 7:55 PM ()

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