poor thing hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It means testicles but it is used in the context of disappointment as in "did you buy the milk" "oh Bollocks I forgot" it is very rude and you wouldnt use it in polite company.
Oh no not the flu I had a mild cold last week but so far I have avoided the flu I hope you have plenty of vitamin C, Chicken Soup and knitting thats my perscription get well soon. xxx
I wish we had thanksgiving in England we just have Halloween, Bonfire Night and then Christmas. Sounds like your planning a wonderful meal I hope you have a great time Happy Thanksgiving.
Cool it looks amazing I have never been brave enough to try entralac
Despite illness you seemed to have a wonderful time and DH is such a wonderful fiber husband if I try and take Adrian anywhere near a yarn shop he seems to become highly allergic to yarn
Sounds like you have had a good time as far as food goes lol shame the accomodation was not up to standard
i cant believe how many knitters are on here we should have an annual knitting holiday at troutbend cabins lol
Photos, jewelry, money, antiques, nick knacks, anything valuable or irreplaceable. We rarely have to flee from our homes here in the UK but that's what I would pack first.
I love C.S Lewis and such cute bootees its nice to know im not the only male knitter in the world
Im not looking forward to another English winter the damp and cold make my arthritis unbearable sometimes.
oh dear lol I only deal with cash cards of any kind scare me Im to irresponsible to deal with credit lol I hope you give them a piece of your mind.
WOW love the new car the most Adrian has ever bought me is an Ipod
I think its amusing when they say to help others lol if i was in a 700mph vertical plunge other people would be the least of my worries i would be more concerned with the changing of underwear