So the first week home already is over. Life is becoming normal again.
I spent quite some time behind the pc so I cant say my addiction is gone. I started reading a lot of blogs, just wasnt able to comment them all. I must say .. gosss I missed you all my friends.
The same happened with the chatroom I use to join. It felt good to see my friends again. All asking the same off course: how was your holiday? I really appreciate that a lot. It makes me feel "part of the community" lol.
About that question: How was your holiday?
It always is difficult to describe your feelings about holidays. Its an experience you have had and talking about it actually isnt easy. Thats why mostly the answer will be: great or OK. Sometimes you describe some things you visited but to explain your "over all" view of the holidays (for me) is difficult I must admit.
As I titled this one, it was a weird week indeed.
Last Monday my birthday. Yes, 50 now so feeling older a bit (but my mind is still young lol). The day wasnt very special cause we already had celebrated it in June.
I got some presents (money) so I am looking for a nice gift to myself: a new PC or a laptop. The old one is starting to give probs now and then, specially Norton causes a lot of trouble.
Also this week I chatted too much. I dont think I chatted so much ever before. I met a lot of new people. I even started chatting my self to a person in my chatroom ( I am shy so dont start much myself)and it sems he is having a comlplete similar situation as I have. Married, kids and a secret life for 30 years now. I have seen his name so long in the chatroom and I am feeling good about the fact I took initiative this week myself. It feels good to have a "companion".
Last night I chatted quite some time with an e-friend from here (whom I know for quite some time now). I really enjoyed it and it feels good to talk about personal things with him. Thx mate! ( he will know who I mean lol)
Well will stop boring you and hope to catch you soon again.
It's good to have you back and to have heard (and seen) about your holiday, which I am still very jealous about. Getting all settled back in at home and getting back to normal can sometimes not be as quick and easy as one would takes a little time and there are certain things that need to be done first. But, you seem to be ok now, so that's great!