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Life & Events > Last 2 Weeks, Nice But Sad as Well

Last 2 Weeks, Nice But Sad as Well

Again I am ashamed of not writing very much lately. A lot happened here last weeks. As most of you know I had 2 weeks off and because we celebrate Whit Monday I was off yesterday as well.
The first week of May always is a week off for schools here. Its because we celebrate several national things. I already wrote about April 30, Queen's day, and on May 4 we remember all victims of war. Originally for WW II but nowadays also victims of other wars. There always is a national remembering at Dam's square in the centre of Amsterdam around the national monument. Our queen always is present there as well. At 8 PM the whole country is silent for 2 minutes to remember all soldiers who died in action, members of resistance, prisoners of war, all people of the holocaust and all members of minority groups like gypsies and homosexuals who were discriminated a lot in WW II. For the gay victims a separate ceremony always takes place at the gay-monument here in Amsterdam.
On May 5 we always celebrate the end of the German occupation during WW II. Its a day with lot of liberation festivals. All kind of music everywhere. Schools always are off and once in the 5 year the whole country is off.
Because it was such nice weather we decided to do a bicycle tour for about 35 miles (54 kilometres). We drove to "het Gooi", a nice area about 40 miles away from our home. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed nature very much. Quite soem time we biked next to the river "Vecht". I will add 2 pics of that beautiful river (forgot my camera so I took them from the internet). I must admit after 35 miles I had a rather sore a*s.

On May 6 our family celebrated my wife's birthday. Quite special because it was her 50th. Mine will follow next august (lol). I already wrote about the bracelet I gave her and the children and girlfriends of her bought her some nice things as well. I had arranged a nice lunch for the 2 of us in the centre of the city and in the evening we had a nice barbeque with the guys and their girlfriends.
The weather was still great so Wednesday and Friday we decided to go to the beach for some tanning. Well we succeeded well in that and it feels great to have some colour again.
It was a nice "2 weeks off" after all. We had to cancel our trip to Madrid but the weeks at home were very nice.
Last Saturday however we got a phone call from the retirement house that my MIL wasn't doing good, actually it was very bad with her. We went to my MIL right away and were just in time. Half an hour later she died. We expected it that it would happen but when the moment is there it always feels weird. There was a lot to arrange but, because of the warm weather, a lot of older people died and it was terribly busy at the undertakers. We had to wait several hour to make arrangements. All is done now. Next Thursday there will be a ceremony and then my MIL will be cremated. I never had a warm relationship with her but it still feels strange to know she isn't among us anymore. My wife feels more off course but can manage. She never had a good youth because of her and that is what keeps her busy now. She can forgive her but will not forget what she had done. My wife isn't able to say she lost a caring and loving mother.
Well enough now to inform you and I will keep you updated.

posted on May 13, 2008 4:43 AM ()


Sounds like a wonderful ride. Sorry about the sore bums. I too, have lost someone. It's always odd. I wish you peace, and Happy Birthday to your wife.
comment by thestephymore on May 15, 2008 8:00 AM ()
Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law's passing. That is never easy.
The photos are great. Amsterdam is gorgeous!
comment by mattguru18 on May 14, 2008 2:19 PM ()
Yep, I remember turning 50--a lifetime ago!!!
Sorry to hear about your MIL--good or bad it is never easy to lose someone from your life.
The bike 'tour' sounded like fun--at least it got your buns hardened up a bit--no gain without pain or so I have heard!
comment by greatmartin on May 13, 2008 5:12 PM ()
Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law's passing. She is now at peace and your time of waiting for it has come. The nice weather and time off couldn't have come at a better time, could it? Your family got to spend such a nice together doing some really nice things. Oh, and please send along my Happy Birthday wishes to your wife.
comment by donnamarie on May 13, 2008 12:22 PM ()
comment by fredo on May 13, 2008 10:13 AM ()
comment by jondude on May 13, 2008 5:53 AM ()

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