Finally I am able to post again. Lot of things happened lately and reading all the posts I missed (must admit I haven't read them all yet) a lot happened to some of you as well.
As I wrote in my last post my Mother in LOL died May 10. There was a lot to arrange for the cremation ceremony so that kept the 2 of us busy.
Because it was terribly busy at school as well I had to start working from Tuesday May 13, so I had no time to buy flowers and so on. My wife took the whole week off.
Because several weeks ago we actually knew that my MIL was dying we already were busy then with searching for music and texts for the ceremony. We didn't had to do much now for that anymore because all already was arranged.
The ceremony took place last Thursday. Because of the warm weather a lot of elder people died and there only was time available at the cremation centre for 9.30 till 10.00. That meant we needed to rise up very early. Cause the girlfriends of my kids also wanted to come along they all 3 slept with us Wednesday-night. That also meant a narrow showering schedule lol. First shower: 6 AM pfffffff.
It was a nice and warm ceremony so we have something to remember.
At school all things normally continued and because of an audit by the education-inspection was planned it was terribly busy to get all things, needed for the audit, archived. We succeeded.
It was a week of contrasts. Friday night we had planned a musical, les Miserables. We already bought tickets quite some time ago, they were 70 euro each (about 105 dollar) so we decided to visit it in spite of our emotional feelings. Well I am glad we did because it was a good kind of relaxation. My wife and I already saw the musical about 15 years ago and it still was great to watch it again. My son and his girlfriend also had a great time.
As I said it was a week of contrasts. Saturday night my sister got married. I wrote earlier about the white dress code and my difficulties with it. Well, to be honest, I must admit it looked great, all the quests dressed in white.
But did we kept it white all evening.......No!
Halfway the evening, caused of wild dancing of my sons girlfriend, a full glass of red wine felt over and all the wine landed on my wife's white dress. Lets say she looked artistic white with red spots all over her dress just on one side of her body. Beside this little inconvenience we had a great night.
Sunday was there to relax, I was able to do some administration and household-work. It was really necessary. Bills needed to be paid, house needed to be cleaned and that kind of things.
Next target was the audit. It took place yesterday and because last time the audit was rather negative I was busy with it for quite some time. It was, cause of my new job, my responsibility and I for me there was only one thing that was of any importance: a positive audit. Well we succeeded. All the efforts we made were not for nothing. That also mean"t that I would go to my performance interview (dictionary work so also possible "job evaluation conversation) with much lesser stress.
The interview took place this morning so, right now, I dont feel like having much interest in working. Its a bit of empty feeling I have right now.
That, by the way, made it possible for me to, finally, read some blogs again. I was a bit frightened reading Martin's blog so send him an email already.
Well for now, thx boss for giving me my writing time, I will stop boring you again.