So, Saturday-morning we left at 8.30 AM by train to The Hague and arrived there round 10.00. The weather was nice and we checked in, in our hotel (it is a training hotel of the international school of hotel management). The room was great.
We all went to the tourist information and bought a city walk which would bring us to all the special places in The Hague city.

From the royal palace to the "world court" and back to the buildings where the government is seated. We made a tour through the government-buildings and sat in the "tweede Kamer" , the building where the parliament is seated.

After the tour we , off course, we drank some on a nice terrace and afterv that we went to our hotel, dressing ourselves to go out for dinner, after all we are a "dining-club".
Round 8 pm we ordered our menu and we had a great meal (for Martin: I started with an excellent salad with salmon and toasted bread, main dish a big peppersteak and as desert several little items with ice-cream, chocolate cake and fresh fruit topped with cream).
Sunday we left for the "Panorama Mesdag". Its a panorama painted an age ago and so magnificent. Its difficult to describe so watch yourself.
Here a link (english) on the right top there is a link for the english version.
It really was an interesting weekend!