Sometimes dilemma's are difficult.
This week here means "exam-week". In other words: Same courses in different locations/buildings need to do the same exam on the same date and time. We are used to work that way for a lot of years now. Exams will be downloaded on my pc, multiplied and send to all locations/buildings. Because I am part of the exam-office I am responsible for what goes wrong.
Last Tuesday (indeed April 1) the following happened. Students started making an exam about financial budgets and after 15 minutes one of the teachers became aware of the fact that the answers of the exams were stitched behind the exercises. So the exam was very easy to make lol.
Well because not a single student had noticed it, the teachers watching the exams removed it from all exercises. Because the same exam took place in other buildings as well I made a phone call and explained. They would act the same as in my building.
The exams were marked and the results weren't quite different from normal.
Just 1 colleague had problems with how we handled and thinks the exam need to be declared invalidated.
What to do now?
I explained the whole situation to him (a mistake can take place now and then after all we are human) and asked him to understand the way I decided. Well he doesn't agree with me, so we have a little "conflict".
I acted in the benefit of the doubt for our students. I dont think that, because of a fault, its necessary to re-do the exam by all students. Do I act so wrong now?
And what difference will it make a year from now to the students or professors???