A lot of commotion is going on right now about a soon-released movie about the Koran. Wilders, a member of the parliament, made the movie as a charge against the Koran.
The prime minister is concerned about the consequences the film will have. Questions are asked in parliament already and we don't want the same happening in our country as happened in Denmark after publishing the cartoons. The prime minister is afraid for the safety of Dutch citizens in Holland and abroad as well as the safety of Wilders himself and his family members.
Wilders even wants the parliament to forbid the Koran.
The Dutch Muslim council expect chaos and a situation like in Paris. Also the council expects negative reactions from abroad and a boycott of Dutch goods abroad.
Wilders admits he is busy with a strong movie against the Koran with the target to get the Koran forbidden in the Netherlands. He says the Koran is a terrible fascistic book. Our minister of foreign affairs made it clear that its not the opinion of the Dutch government. The Dutch government stands for freedom of opinions and for absolute freedom of religion. (I am glad they made it clear again).
I myself must say I don't like the situation right now. Wilders will release his film soon on his own website and on YouTube.
The Muslim council refers to the situation after the Hirschi Ali film "submission". That film was the immediate cause if the murder of Theo van Gogh (he directed the film).