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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Sports & Recreation > Baseball > Manny Being Manny in L.a.

Manny Being Manny in L.a.

Manny’s gone, man.  He’s in Dodger blue now.  Manny being Manny got him kicked out of Beantown, and he’s swinging lumber in the City of the Angels now.

The dreadlocks. The dew-rags. The baggy uniforms. The cocky smile. The laid-back, “let’s do a doobie” persona. All gone to the left coast now.

I like Manny Ramirez.  I admire his non-conformity. I am in awe of athletic prowess. Maybe he couldn’t play a ball off The Green Monster the way Yaz could (Yaz owned that wall, man!), but, in spite of what others say, Manny could hustle, and throw, and HIT!

I guess what I don’t understand about Manny and other pro athletes is the mindset about the money.  Manny had a contract option with Boston for $20,000,000. TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS!!!!! Just to play a GAME!!!!! And he considered that to be akin to indentured servitude.

Well, to Manny, and to ALL major league athletes who feel that they are being abused, my heart does NOT bleed for you!  $20,000,000 is more than most folks make in their lifetimes, and you make that in a season or two because you are good at playing a game.

If you can get that kind of money, good for you! Count your blessings, and know that you are lucky! But please, please, PLEASE do not feel that you deserve it or earn it or are worth it.  You don't, you didn't and you aren't.  NOBODY is!

Nor does earning that kind of money make you a better person than anybody else.  Money is but a measure of only one kind of wealth. Who would say was the better human being - Dick Cheney or Mahatma Ghandi?  Cheney is a millionaire.  When Ghandi died, all he had for personal possessions were his glasses, a couple of tunics, a food bowl and salt and pepper shaker.  That's it! And I ask you, which human being contributed more to the world?  Which life impacted for the better the other citizens of the world?

Okay. Enough of that. Sorry about the tangent.  We're talking baseball here!

When I was a boy, back when God was a kid, my dad would take my brothers and me to Fenway Park to watch a ballgame. Paying for four tickets, Crackerjacks, hot dogs and sodas, he would spend less than thirty bucks.  Today, due to the salaries of these high-priced prima donnas, a family can’t go to the ballpark for less than $250.

So, do I feel sorry for Manny? You’ve got to be kidding!

Will I miss him? Yep.

Am I sorry that he’s gone? Uh-huh.

Will life go on in The Hub of the Universe? Of course! We’ve still got Big Papi and Mike Lowell, don’t we? And we’re still ahead of the Devil’s spawn team, The Damned Yankees, aren't we?

There ain't nuthin' more important than that!

posted on Aug 2, 2008 7:42 AM ()


I heard on the news, day before yesterday, that they think that he was goofing off because he wanted to be traded! They were upset, but they said they couldn't prove it. He is already causing controversy!!
comment by sunlight on Aug 11, 2008 1:59 PM ()
Every night on sports news, it's all about Manny these days. "The dreadlocks. The dew-rags. The baggy uniforms. The cocky smile. The laid-back, “let’s do a doobie” persona. All gone to the left coast now." - I guess this description of him fits the CA lifestyle now, eh?
comment by november on Aug 7, 2008 12:02 PM ()
It's funny. I think that people used to play for the love of the game. THen it became about the glory. Now it seems to be about the story. The story is he turned down 20 million. I guess he's like those models who won't get out of bed for less than 10K.
comment by spicybitch on Aug 6, 2008 12:56 PM ()
So, now, WE've got Manny... in LA? Lucky us! Or should that be Lucky... us. I'll be watching him, keeping my eyes out for him!
comment by sunlight on Aug 5, 2008 10:46 AM ()
The only sports I watch is Boxing..but I do know who your talking about...I got ticked because they want to pay Farve 20 million for doing nothing. Heck I would stay home for 20 million..LOL But I doubt anybody would pay me $10...
comment by elfie33 on Aug 3, 2008 2:29 PM ()
I love a post diversion into baseball. No politics (well, you did throw in one zinger), no pity party, no weather. Baseball! I say, Go Cubs!
comment by solitaire on Aug 3, 2008 7:08 AM ()
damned yankees? Mmmm Jeter...
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 2, 2008 3:27 PM ()
For sure, they have room for his ego in L.A.!
comment by marta on Aug 2, 2008 10:24 AM ()
At least he's gone to another anti-Yankee team. Notwithstanding the current ongoing rivalry b/t the Bosox and the Yankees, the Dodgers have a rich history of anti-Yankeeism (e.g. the Series back in the late Forties, early Fifties). Of course, I don't expect to see the Dodgers back in a Series vs. anyone anytime soon... In any event, Manny seems perfect for La La Land, doesn't he?
comment by looserobes on Aug 2, 2008 8:16 AM ()
You won't miss his antics. When we let him go to your team (because your team had the big bucks,) we didn't miss him either. He was drafted out of high school to my Indians and played his first 6 or 7 years here. After the first few years the fans in right field used to jeer at him during warm-ups between innings when the other players were tossing pitch and catch. Manny stood out there with his back to the diamond watching his own highlights on the big scoreboard screen.
comment by jondude on Aug 2, 2008 7:57 AM ()

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