There are two things that Mr. John McCain has been saying lately that are driving me crazy – the need to explore for more domestic oil, and the fact that Barack Obama is talking about raising taxes.
Mr. McCain asserts that oil prices are high because we won’t let the oil companies drill wherever they choose to on U.S soil or in U.S. waters, and that one way to bring down prices at the pump is to allow Exxon to drill in Anwar.
Tain’t so!
Right now, the oil companies have literally thousands of leases which allow them to drill in our water and our land. THOUSANDS! They don’t use them. Why not? I don’t know. At one time a while back they said that the price of oil was too low for them to waste their time drilling.
However, whether or not they drill really doesn’t make one damned bit of difference with our oil prices. Not one bit. No matter what Mr. McCain and Mr. Bush tell you.
Here are the facts. (And these facts come from this administration’s own energy industry experts.)
Right now, the U.S. uses 24% of all the oil that is produced in the world. 24 freaking per cent!
The amount of speculative domestic oil reserves that we have under our feet and under our boats is minimal. It only amounts to 3% of the known oil reserves in the world. ONLY 3%!!!!
Right now, with the approved drilling leases that oil companies currently have, they could extract approximately 40 billion barrels of oil from US soil and coastal waters. If they could drill in the restricted areas, they could get 18 billion barrels.
If 18 billion barrels can make such a huge difference in our oil prices, as Mr. Bush and Mr. McCain claim, then the 40 billion barrels that they are currently allowed to drill for would DOUBLE that difference! SOOOOO why aren’t they going after it? Is the oil under restricted ground and water somehow better than the stuff that they can readily get right now?
I would humbly suggest that, before we allow Big Oil to drill in pristine wildernesses, let them get the oil for which they currently have permission to get first. When that is exhausted, we’ll talk.
Another thing - if they extract that 3% from the ground, does that oil get earmarked solely for OUR consumption? In other words, do WE get to keep it?
Oil is traded and priced globally. That means, that 3% taken from our land and waters will go in the HUGE gathering pot where ALL of the world’s oil goes! So, even if we take out every drop of oil that we could find anywhere, it would go into the vast global oil reserve and be sold on the wide-open global market. It would not be kept in the US to somehow increase our own reserves. Therefore, it would have absolutely no effect whatsoever on our gasoline prices.
Now, let’s move to the another topic of conversation that John McCain and his friends love to talk about. I hear much talk coming from Republicans, including my friend from the Justmyopinion blog here at MyBloggers, that Obama is going to raise taxes, and McCain claims that he will not raise taxes.
Let’s see…who was the last person running for the presidency who claimed that he wouldn’t raise our taxes if elected? OH! Why, it was George H. Bush! (Father of "Dubya"!) If I’m not mistaken, old George was a Republican.
Do you remember the infamous, "Read my lips; no new taxes" debate statement that he made a few years ago?
And do you remember what George did just as soon as that election was over? You guessed it. He raised taxes across the board.
Right now in the good old US of A, our national debt is over a trillion dollars. That’s, 1,000,000,000 dollars! (NINE FREAKING ZEROES!) When the present administration in Washington usurped power eight long years ago, we were well on the way to a balanced budget. However, due to shrewd tactical maneuvers (mainly, The Iraq War) by the intellectual giants in control of things, we are so far in debt that it is scaring most of us who are blessed with brains out of our wits.
And, do you know to whom we owe most of this money? (Hold onto your hats!) We are grossly indebted now, thanks to Mr. Bush and his cronies, to…(A drum roll, if you please)…Beijing! That’s right! We now owe BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to those wonderful people who brought the world the Tienanmen Square Massacre and other memorable Kodak Moments in human rights history!
Okay, so if Mr. McCain doesn’t believe in raising taxes in order to pay off some of this crippling debt that his party has brought upon us, I, for one, would like to know how he DOES plan to pay it off. Does he have any idea how to do this, or is he simply going to leave it as a legacy to our grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren?
Scary stuff, huh?
I don’t know about you, but I’m going to start brushing up on my Mandarin dialect
I must admit, Sunni, that I was one who would have had a hard time voting for Hillary, just because I view her as insincere and power hungry. (I think she would have said and done anything to get elected. But that's just my opinion.)
However, with McCain telling half-truths and just plain out-and-out lying to the people, I think I would vote for ANYBODY rather than him! Saw a great bumper sticker on my way to Maine yesterday. It said, "McCain - Bush's third term in office."