Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Who Works Harder? Who Does a Better Job? Mom? Dad?

Who Works Harder? Who Does a Better Job? Mom? Dad?

Reading about a dozen web sites you can get the distinct feeling
that a functional family doesn't exist! Though the majority anti parents
is done by teenagers many grown ups really don't have nice things to
say about their families. Is blogging only done by discontents?

roughest blogs are written by teenage girls mainly against their
mothers--could it be a normal mother/daughter step to adulthood? Teenage
boys also moan and groan but what I found surprising it is against
their mothers! In the 'old days' the model was mother stayed at home and
took care of the kids and father went out to work and brought home the
money for all material things like a roof over their head, food on the
table and clothes on their back. Now we have mothers in the work force,
fathers being stay at home dads and the kids run everything. Are the
inmates running the asylum?

Stepping aside, being
objective, who has the harder role in parenting today? Has the father
never gotten the "How to be a Dad" book or did he never read it? Is he
doing what his father did not changing with the times? Is the mother a
helicopter mom (hovering over the child too much) or is she busy with
outside activities whether is be work or volunteering and turning her
kids over to day care or a nanny or grandma? Or has nothing changed as
far as parenting goes since 1944?

Though it is hard to do
(and shouldn't be) but for the purposes here put aside the 9 months of
pregnancy and the actual childbirth (ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH) who do you think
has the harder job raising the child? The bigger responsibility? And why
are so many families dysfunctional?

For this blog let's
not hear from functional families and what a "Leave it to Beaver"
childhood you had and how great your  "Father Knows Best" was--I promise
I will have a post where you can crow all you want!

where do you think te fathers are failing? What would you do if you
were a father? Men the same questions for you---what do you think you
could do that mothers aren't doing and what do you think men can do that
they aren't? And let loose--your spouse and/or kids won't read this!!!


posted on July 24, 2012 6:00 PM ()


There is definitely no shortage of helicopter parents out there. I see that sometimes with teaching, and I definitely saw that in my old job, when I was working primarily with teens. One good thing about those kinds of parents is that it does mean they care. With that said, it often stunts the development of maturity and independence in the children.

We definitely see some of a lot of loving families of all varieties, but we also see the other end of the spectrum. We get kids who come with their group home counselors as well as troubled kids who come to the library for community service requirements from the courts. The library spans the spectrum of society.
comment by trekbrarian on July 25, 2012 7:15 PM ()
'troubled kids'--I would love to see a day they don't exist because everyone in society takes care of them!
reply by greatmartin on July 25, 2012 8:09 PM ()
You know I use to think my parents were crazy when I was growing up, that was until I became a parent. It was then I came to realize that my parents were a lot more on the ball then I gave them credit for.
comment by redwolftimes on July 25, 2012 3:38 PM ()
But that's not answering the question!!??
reply by greatmartin on July 25, 2012 4:11 PM ()
Agreed,Martin they are the most spoiled of any generation.Spoiled rotten and the parents give in.No wonder my kids hates me.
comment by fredo on July 25, 2012 10:07 AM ()
I think the functional family we find on television and in literature is a fairy tale. That does not mean that many children are lucky to be in a loving family that provides them with all of the necessary support. It just means that the makeup is not traditional. One of the benefits of my job is that I get to see so many wonderful families! It is a shame that so many young people do not have that type of family, but there is hope.
comment by trekbrarian on July 24, 2012 6:40 PM ()
I read in a paper that today's children are the most spoiled of any generation---of course they say that about every generation but with helicopter moms, every one having to get a medal, being spoiled with all the tech 'toys' they may be right--does the functional family today consist of a cellphone, Ipad and whatever game box?
Of course your working where you do you would see 'loving' families.
reply by greatmartin on July 24, 2012 6:55 PM ()

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