Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Entertainment > Streaming Reviews--december 2022--part 2

Streaming Reviews--december 2022--part 2

1) "Elite"--Netlix--Spanish series--Season 6--8 episodes--6 hours & 53 minutes--Synopsis: when 3 working class teens enroll in an exclusive school in Spain the clash between them and the wealthy students leads to murder--everyone seems to be looking for something whether it is love, a million followers or revenge but will they make it out alive---I've been with this show since the series began--you want pills? Gay sex? Transgender sex? Guys beat up? Girls beat up? Fights? Murder? Gay and Non-gay romances? Interracial sex? And, oh yes, a few different story lines? Athletes coming 'out'? It's all fun with a good cast except for one actress who is s-o-o-o-o-o-o bad you wonder how she got cast--I am looking forward to season7 and more fun.

2) "Dead To Me"--Netflix--Season 3--10 episodes--Synopsis: a widow searches for the hit & run driver who killed her husband-- she befriends an eccentric optimist who isn't quite what she seems--in season 3 another crash alters the future of their ride and die friendship--due to Christina Applegate's real life illness this is the last season--I watched it to the end but I don't know ho killed who AND I DON'T CARE!

3) "NOAH"--PRIME--movie--2 hours & 18 minutes--inspired by the timeless story of courage, sacrifice and hope--a part of the bible as written by Hollywood and if they had written the whole book it wouldn't fit in any existing library--the only reason to see this movie is if you like Russell Crowe who plays Noah.

4) "Is That Black Enough For You?!?"--Netflix--Documentary--2 hours & 15 minutes--Synopsis: culture critic and historian Elvis Mitchell traces the evolution of Black cinema from its origins to the impactful films of the 1970s--a lot of material never seen before and/or forgotten--Billy Williams especially delightful and I love Pam Grier--there are many highs and lows in Black movie history and this is an interesting look at it.

5) "Mammals"--PRIME--British series--season 1--6 episodes--2hours& 36 minutes--Synopsis: Michelin starred chef whose world implodes when he discovers shocking secrets about his pregnant wife--the cast including Melia Kreiling is excellent and James Corden is as good as soon as you forget he is James Corden--the series tries to show that a good marriage is rare and magical--I don't know who Sally Hawkins is supposed to be or why she is in the series--it is a short and fast moving series but if you watch me please tell me what the ending is all about.

6) "The Secret of the Greco Family"--Netflix--Mexican limited series--documentary--9 episodes--7 hours & 6 minutes--Synopsis: a seemingly perfect family kidnaps wealthy people for ransom to maintain their high standard of living--could have made a good 2 hour movie but over 7 hours it is boring and repetitive--you can skip episodes 3-7 and the first 2 and last 2 will tell you the whole story.

posted on Dec 19, 2022 9:02 PM ()

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