Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
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Entertainment > Movies > Star Trek into the Darkness--a Movie Review

Star Trek into the Darkness--a Movie Review

disclosure: of all the Stark Trek chapters whether in books, TV
episodes and movies I have only seen 2  of the 6 Star Trek movies. Being
fairly new to what has been around for nearly 50 years I hope “Star
Trek Into The Darkness” as a stand alone movie doesn’t represent all the
previous stories. I felt a lot depended upon being a ‘trekkie’ and
knowing what came before.

current film, in spite of the title, has more strobe lights and
different colors than any movie I have seen in a long time. Between
“Oblivion” and  “Iron Man 3” this movie had very poorly executed
non-special effects except how San Francisco will look years from now.
The fights whether between men or machines were very lame.

screenplay by Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci and Damon Lindelof offered
some looks into the human side of all from a possible romance between
Spock (Zachary Quinto) and Nyota (Zoe Saldana) if not a bromance between
Spock and Kirk (Chris Pine) though I didn’t know who the latter was
until later in the film when he is referred to as Captain James T. Kirk
and, for whatever reason, I immediately thought of William Shatner.

standouts were Benedict Cumberbatch as the villain with Simon Pegg as
Scotty offering the only laughs along the way. Whether the rest of the
cast were satisfactory to Trekkies I didn’t have any problems with John
Cho, Alice Eve, Bruce Greenwood, Peter Weller or any of the other

new director and other screenwriters would bring a lot more to the
sequel than those involved with this did. With many more ‘summer’
special effects blockbuster  movies on the way I would suggest skipping
this one.

posted on May 17, 2013 5:29 PM ()


Personally I am looking forward to seeing Stephen King's "Under the Dome" that will be a mini-series coming in June. I read the book last year and I think it will be hard to convert it to the small screen, but I am willing to give it a look.
comment by redwolftimes on May 20, 2013 3:25 PM ()
See my comment about King below.

You and I aren't agreeing much lately!!!
reply by greatmartin on May 20, 2013 4:43 PM ()
I think I could go see "Iron Man 3" and be thoroughly entertained, it sounded pretty good. But after checking what the summer fare was going to be movie-wise it makes me wonder how some of these films were greenlighted.
comment by redwolftimes on May 20, 2013 3:22 PM ()
If I enjoyed it anyone will--I usually don't like 'comic book' movies but I do like Downey and the special effects are first rate making the movie fast moving--as a non-trekkie and not really interested in the story I was very disappointed by the unspecial effects which slowed the over 2 hour movie down.
Forgive me but I am not a King fan--the only movie of his work I liked was the one with Kathy Bates and James Caan
reply by greatmartin on May 20, 2013 4:42 PM ()
From the point of view from someone who has seen this franchise from it's inception this was well worth the money that I spent on it. It was a film that I would go and see again, and will add to my dvd collection when it comes out (most likely late November- early December). Sure I think it helps to have a knowledge of Star Trek to enhance the enjoyment of the film, but I don't think it's necessary. Maybe I am partial and a tad prejudice when it comes to Star Trek, but to me it was a piece of great entertainment
comment by redwolftimes on May 20, 2013 8:33 AM ()
another smart person!
reply by greatmartin on May 20, 2013 8:55 AM ()
Nothing against you Trekkies but for a non-trekkie after seeing the special effects in Iron Man 3 the ones in this film were pretty cheesy which accounts for half the film--and then as far as the story I am sure you read more into Khan than a non-trekkie would
reply by greatmartin on May 20, 2013 8:54 AM ()

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