Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Entertainment > Movies > Spy--a Movie Review

Spy--a Movie Review

There isn’t a crude word and/or gesture that I don’t know and have used at one time or another in my lifetime but I am from the ‘old school’ of being  a gentleman who doesn’t curse in front of a woman or give someone ‘the finger’. I avoid films with Adam Sandler and his ilk because they are guaranteed to have curse words, vagina and penis jokes, a foot in someone’s crotch and other things that appeal to the naughty 14 year old boy who secretly looks at the pictures in Playboy.

I admired Melissa McCarthy in “St. Vincent” where she was a supporting player in a quiet role and I have enjoyed her in “Mike and Molly” her television series where she is funny without the vulgarity of the ‘boys’. It was first in “Bridesmaids” where she started her way on to stardom and each movie after that had her getting more and more raunchy and in “Spy” she has reached her lowest.

McCarthy seems to be very comfortable with her body and can give and take fat jokes like the professional comedian she is but in “Spy” she curses more than any man, constantly hits guys in the crotch, vomits on someone and is vulgar from beginning to end. This is suppose to be a comedy, a spy spoof, a take off of James Bond’s films and yet I didn’t find anything funny in the film and, except for 3 audience members who laughed from beginning to the end even at very not funny scenes, no one else found it funny either.

“Spy” is full of unnecessary violence and in too many scenes it is very obvious that doubles were used and not for humorous purposes.

It is always good to see Jude Law and he is fine in this film but Bobby Cannavale, in my opinion, gives his first really bad acting job. Rose Byrne’s role and acting is cringe inducing at parts and Allison Janney continues giving good support in movies while Jason Statham and Peter Serafinowicz have very odd roles that should be funny but they strain too much. Miranda Hart takes a stereotypical role and does her best with it.

The writing and directing by Paul Feig is a mess, all over the place, and I hope somewhere he acknowledges the writers of “Criminal Minds” and  gives them big thank you for the way he wrote the relationship between Jude and Melissa which is almost word for word for the characters played by Shemar Moore and Kirsten Vangsness.

It is predicted that “Spy” will be a big hit for Melissa McCarthy but I would like to see her use her comedic talent without relying on all the vulgarity. I do not recommend the movie as either a comedy or a thriller or a film to see.


posted on June 5, 2015 4:10 PM ()


I agree with you about Melissa. I would love to see her in something that is not for the potty mouths.
comment by boots586 on June 6, 2015 9:54 PM ()
Glad you gave me a heads up.....I think I will pass on this one.
comment by gapeach on June 5, 2015 6:29 PM ()
It is getting rave reviews--mainly for Melissa--but I don't see what they say they saw!
reply by greatmartin on June 5, 2015 6:44 PM ()

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