A son any parent would be proud of!!!
Zach Wahls' Iowa Speech for Gay Marriage Goes Viral [VIDEO]
Feb 2, 2011 – 3:05 PM
The Iowa House of Representatives approved a resolution on Tuesday that proposes a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage in the state.
Hundreds of people packed the Iowa State House to debate the issue -- known as House Joint Resolution 6 -- which passed by a 62-37 vote.
One of the individuals who spoke was Zach Wahls, a University of Iowa
engineering student and the child of a same-sex couple. His three-minute
speech against the resolution is going viral across the Internet, much like Fort Worth, Texas, City Councilman Joel Burns' "It Gets Better" speech did during October.
During his statement, the 19-year-old equates his family to any other in
Iowa and mentions that he owns a small business, is an Eagle Scout and
scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT college aptitude test, and he
even manages to not so subtly tell the House chairman that he'd be "very
proud" to have a son like himself.
Check out footage of Wahls' inspired address: