Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > You Reach 18 and You Start Falling Apart!

You Reach 18 and You Start Falling Apart!

Since I turned 18 on February 29th I have been falling apart!!

First I was told about the leaky valve and having to go in for surgery. Next Monday I have to go for an ultrasound on my legs and I am sure I will have to have another stent put in But the worse was the past 5 days!!!

I have a very loose tooth on the lower left of my mouth--my dentist has been waiting for it to fall out on it's own for about 10 years but it 'hangs' in there. On Thursday I started to feel some pain in the gums surrounding the tooth--it has happened before--so I started to take amoxicillin which, usually, clears it up in a day or two. By Saturday the area was so tender that as much as I wanted to eat I couldn't. Now you know something is wrong when I don't eat!!!

On Sunday I called the dentist and left a message for Holly--the great receptionist--to see if she could squeeze me for an appointment on Monday. She called me today and said that I should come in around 2.

It takes two buses and an hour and a half to get there but I made it. Don't you know by the time I stepped into the office I wasn't hurting anymore!!!

In any case the doc took an x-ray and said there was no abscess or swelling--obviously the amoxicillian had kicked in and done it's job BUT he said I should have roots #20 and 21--long story short--i had one of the first implants done back in 1972 and they had to be pulled a couple of years ago--they only last so long.

At this point 1) I won't be able to afford the surgery--sorry, I am not using my 'stimulus' money to have roots pulled--2) it would mean stop taking coumindin for a period of 3-4 days I will have to do that on the 16th for the valve surgery and I really don't want to spend that much time in such a short period without taking the blood thinner. Consequently I will put the 'root' surgery on hold--first want to get the valve surgery done and then see if I have to have the leg surgery done.

The moral of the story--stay under 18 for your whole life!!

PS Though the tooth and gum feels okay now I will be having soft foods for dinner--pasta with homemade sauce topped with mushrooms and shredded cheddar cheese followed by a prince cake that Babs gave me today--now if I only had some ice cream!!!!

posted on May 5, 2008 4:21 PM ()


Ouch, Martin! Any tooth or gum related discomfort is absolute pain for me and I dread dentists more than I've ever dreaded a doctor. I'm glad your mouth is feeling you can enjoy some eating again...and I know how important that is to you! As far as the rest goes, you keep me posted as things go on, ok?
comment by donnamarie on May 7, 2008 11:53 AM ()
Dinner planned for tonight sounds really good! I hope your surgery goes well.
comment by hopefields on May 6, 2008 6:58 PM ()
That's okay, I lost a filling. Now I have to go to the dentist! Aaargh!
comment by teacherwoman on May 6, 2008 8:07 AM ()
valve surgery? I missed something! do I need to send you a cute boy nurse to take care of you???
comment by elkhound on May 6, 2008 4:26 AM ()
>>>It takes two buses and an hour and a half to get there but I made it.<<<

Martin!!!! I did nothing but housework (ick!) today that easily could have been put off. I could have given you a ride.

Sorry to hear things are falling apart Same here. I'll tell you about it sometime.

Hang in there.

comment by jillsbirds on May 5, 2008 4:54 PM ()
It sounds really uncomfortable! I am sorry!
comment by lunarhunk on May 5, 2008 4:52 PM ()
well things are falling apart there man.
But the food there sounds good with the pasta and cheese.
Too bad that I was not there for you to have ice cream.
Keep me informed on your next journey to the hospital
Take care.One thing at a time.
comment by fredo on May 5, 2008 4:34 PM ()

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