Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > This 'N That August 2023 Part 1

This 'N That August 2023 Part 1

For 46 sweltering days this summer, South Florida sizzled under heat index temperatures that topped 100 degrees every afternoon. That shattered the previous record, set in 2020, of 32 days in a row above 100 degrees. This past week we hit 114 and it is continuing--worse the water temps are in 90s so you aren't going to 'cool off' going for a swim.

I love getting new calendars, Jewish or otherwise, as ALL have THURSDAY FEBRUARY 29 2024!!

Did you know that Gay Uncles Day, also known as Guncles Day, is celebrated on the second Sunday in August? It was first celebrated in the US on a wide scale Sunday August 14, 2016. I never heard of it before--check out the story:

Last, but not least, a little controversy: I went to see "Oppenheimer" a 3-hour & 9 second movie. Without saying much I think it will get many Oscar nominations including for Cillian Murphy in the title role, has a lot of 'names' in various roles, would have been a great film at 1 hour & 45 minutes, has great background scoring and the last 45-60 minutes is compelling!

posted on Aug 10, 2023 8:44 PM ()


comment by greatmartin on Aug 12, 2023 11:01 AM ()
Gay Uncles Day sounds like a good idea. I googled greeting cards gay uncles day, and sure enough there's cards for it.

I agree about the Oscars for Oppenheimer. That movie has triggered a lot of media coverage, with atomic scientists weighing in on to what degree the information is accurate (some of them say it's not entirely), and more articles about atomic bomb issues in general. I think people might give it more credit for being profound than it deserves, but there's not much else out there that seems profound, so it's at the top.

It's a good thing for the generations younger than ours to learn more about atomic energy because they didn't live through the times when the bomb was thought to be so wonderful and there was a lot of testing, and then watched the long-term aftereffects of waste radiation. We might be more aware of it out here in the west because bombs were tested in our deserts with harmful radiation creating cancer pockets downwind, and our relatives were involved in mining uranium to make the bombs. Plus, one of my uncles worked for the Atomic Energy Commission, made several trips to Los Alamos in the 1950s and 60s. Another facility he had a lot to do with was Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

regarding the calendars.
comment by traveltales on Aug 12, 2023 8:41 AM ()

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