This is a 7 part series of movies from the past so they will be remembered by a new generation that may only know a few.
Out of the millions of movies made in the 20th century there are moments that are imprinted in your mind that can pop up at any time. It can range from a shower scene with haunting music or an actress entering a scene or walking down a staircase or a lawyer arguing a case and no matter what it is there are times it will pop up unexpectedly.
How many of these have you seen? Heard? Remember?
Gene Kelly singing and dancing in the rain from the classic musical “Singing In The Rain.”
Deborah Kerr sharing an embrace on the beach as the water laps at their feet in “From Here To Eternity” or Kerr and Yul Bryner dancing around the room in “The King and I.”
Anita Ekberg dressed in the fountain in “La Dolce Vita.”
Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse “Dancing In The Dark” in Central Park in “Bandwagon.” Or Cyd and Gene in “Brigadoon.”
Shirley MacLaine begging Frank Sinatra to love her in “Some Came Running” or being sarcastic in “Steel Magnolias” and dancing up a storm while singing “If My Friend Could See Me Now” in “Sweet Charity”.
Liz Taylor and Montgomery Clift dancing in “A Place In The Sun” as the camera whirls around them.
Katherine Hepburn coming down in the elevator in “Suddenly Last Summer”.
Brando telling Rod Steiger “I could have been a contender!” or Kim Hunter and Vivian Leigh under Louisiana law he is the king of his house in “A Streetcar Named Desire” or saying “I gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse,” in “The Godfather”.
Lana Turner dressed in a white turban, white blouse, tight white shorts entering the kitchen ready to seduce John Garfield in “The Postman Always Rings Twice.”
Gene Tierney throwing herself down the stairs to lose her baby or sitting in the canoe watching Cornel Wilde’s kid brother drown in “Leave Her To Heaven”.
Clifton Webb sitting in the bathtub of water typing his column in “Laura”.
Gloria Swanson ready for her close-up for Cecil B. DeMille in “Sunset Boulevard”.