This blog is going to be all over the place as that is how my
mind is working right now--I was at the ophthalmologist this afternoon and I am
still 'fighting' the dilating drops he put in my eyes--quite a strain to type
and/or see screen.
Emily took me (that's why she got the banana nut muffins) and
after we went to Publix. The good news that the doc said I don't have to worry
about the cataracts yet since it is an elective surgery that I can have done
whenever I want and I don't really have a need for it now though I have been
having a lot of trouble with my eyes the past two days.
I had one really good day this past week--stayed in bed until 11
AM--not sleeping but just staying in bade after 9-10 is a feat--but I have had
2-3 really bad days including today--a bade day is one where I am like a zombie
with heavy eyelids and unable to close my eyes to take a nap.
I am still waiting to hear from the Eyes/Nose/Throat doctor
regarding all the tests that she is suppose to set me up with--I will give her a
week and if I don't hear from her I will call her office. Though the ear doesn't
hurt it is very annoying--I can hear everything but it feels as if there is
something stuck in it. Also, my voice is so different from what it was before
the operation and that disturbs me. Were these things caused by the
In any case another blogger (hopefields??) suggested I look into
Mended Hearts--a support group for people who have had open heart surgery or
aorta valve replacements--I did and though I have yet to hear back from the
local (Ft. Lauderdale) chapter I have heard from people around the States--most
seem to agree that depression is part of the recovery and most feel it takes at
least, minimum, 3 months to feel that you are on the road to recovery. I know
that physically I am doing good but mentally I am not coping well at
It has been 78 days since the operation so I guess I expect
miracles on the 90th day!! Or at least some improvement when I talk to the
therapist this Thursday which I am really looking forward to. After I see him I
go to my primary and once again I will discuss the medicines I am taking. I,
also, want to talk to my pharmacist about the interactions of the
I know that I am doing good in not having had a cigarette in 78
days, not really missing them except for a second or two, and that I am on my
feet getting around but between the ear, the throat, the inertia, the zombie
like feelings, the sleeping conditions, etc., I feel as if something more can be
done that isn't being done. :O(

smoking.Most smokers are a little hoarse and maybe t his is
the cause?who knows.