Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > Medical Update--09/15/08

Medical Update--09/15/08

Are all doctors

It really hasn't been a good week for me--except for 3-4 hours
on Sunday when I really felt great I seem to be walking around sluggish, sleepy,
no energy, with a lack of appetite!!!

I was really looking forward to sitting down with the
psychiatrist and possibly getting help. It started with his being an hour late
for my appointment !! This did not start the session off right. In any case I
told him I did not want anymore pills so what did he do?? He increased the
dosage of the Lorazepam (the tranquillizer) to 1/2 pill in morning, 1/2 pill in
the afternoon and 2 at night for sleep--I have a feeling I will be walking
around like a zombie!!! He then wrote a prescription for 90 pills (which are not
covered on my insurance!!) and said he would see me in thirty days so he could
get to know me!?!?!? 30 days??? That really threw me--I bit my tongue and went
on my way to my primary doctor.

The psychiatrist did tell me to stop 'weaning' off Bupropion and
just stop taking it at all, that that was one of the things making me so

He was glad that my heart surgeon agreed to cut out the digoxin
but he didn't know until I told him--the heart doctor was suppose to tell him
and also advise him to keep track of 2 things--what 2 things??? I don't know--I
have to call my heart surgeon so I can tell my primary!!!

I am going to stop taking flomax on my own--it is to stop the
often urination problem and meanwhile I am taking a diuretic so it seems to me
two opposing prescriptions--I will continue the avodart to shrink the prostate
which would slow the fluid problem down.
I am disturbed--and seem to be the only one--by my lack of
appetite and my growing uninterest in food and eating--I don't believe I said
that just as I said to Gino at lunch today that I ate too much--a cheese omelet
and pancakes which I use to gobble down and then want dessert!!! I have also
lost 10 and 1/2 pounds since the operation and no one but me seems concerned
about that!!!

I don't have any doctor's appointments until Oct. 6 with my
ophthalmologist (and that's the one I had to reschedule due to an anxiety attack
the last time I was in the office) so the next 3 weeks should be

By the way the psychiatrist said that the anxiety, the
depression, the negativity, etc., is all normal after going through an operation
like I did--for some reason that didn't make me feel better!!!

Oh, by the way, I bought a new 32" HDTV and now I have to figure
out how to get it working right and connecting it to my VHS/DVD

posted on Sept 15, 2008 6:35 PM ()


You know, I've been keeping up with your updates and things but they were sometimes outdated updates by the time I got into mybloggers to comment on them. So, I would just keep reading them and keeping up with the latest the best I could (by reading most of them in Blogster). I'm commenting on this now-outdated one because I missed it the first time around...that's why I didn't know anything about the TV until now. You really did get a big HDTV? How is it? Do you like it? (We're going to need another TV soon and, unless we just buy some "ordinary" tv, we won't be able to afford anything I do keep an eye on better tv's just in case one should surprise me and be affordable.)
comment by donnamarie on Nov 20, 2008 12:21 PM ()
I lost a lot of weight after my surgery and finally getting
some poundage back.Think I shrunk some.
Do you get the feeling about the care that your getting.
I feel that they do not want to be bother.
My feeling is that they treat elders differently if I was thirty
or forty.This is me.Feel discrimination at times.
But I do speak up thats for sure.No more close mouth.
I want answers.
comment by fredo on Sept 16, 2008 10:35 AM ()
I still dont understand your medical health system Martin. Here this all would be impossible. Waiting 1 No, or very less, communication with doctors who treat you would be totally impossible here. All always is send with the patient when they visit anoother "specialist".
Anyway: enjoy your TV mate! And remember we keep caring for you... hugs hugs hugs xxxx
comment by itsjustme on Sept 16, 2008 2:42 AM ()
Martin, I'm so sorry to hear of what happened! I can't believe that he made you wait an hour to see him. He seems like he's a doctor that is a little to happy to give a prescription, especially if he really didn't talk to you that much? Why couldn't he get to know you more now? Why wait an entire month? I hope my questions don't upset you. I just feel so bad for you. You have been seeking help with these issues for some time now and it seems like you are having a difficult time getting help. I hope it all turns around for you soon and that you get the help you need to be able to eat and sleep.
comment by hopefields on Sept 15, 2008 6:46 PM ()
Yay on the TV.
I can't believe a psychologist would make any patient wait an hour. That is really pathetic!
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 15, 2008 6:40 PM ()

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