Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
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Entertainment > Movies > Les Miserables--a Movie Review

Les Miserables--a Movie Review


seen the musical version of “Les Miserables” four times on stage, twice
when the 25th anniversary concert was presented on television  and now
on the movie screen there are certainly advantages and disadvantages to
each medium. The PBS anniversary brought the original 1985 and the
current cast together in an encore that would be prohibitive for regular
performances on stage and unthinkable on film. In the theatre version
you have a cast filling the stage with song and your eyes are darting
all over as the action is conceived between wide and high  but set
walls. As the sung through story is the same in all 3 mediums the movie
version proves to be the most moving as the maligned by critics
close-ups are numerable but brings the audience into the story and into
the characters.

Crowe is getting a bad rap, undeservedly, for his singing  and brings
the needed gravitas to his role as Javert and the moral problem he finds
himself facing.  Both Hugh Jackman, as Jean Valjean, and Anne Hathaway,
as Fantine, deliver the goods in both singing and acting departments.
 Samantha Barks, as Eponine, and Eddie Redmayne, as Marius, present
breakout roles in their careers. Sacha Baron Cohen, as Thenardier, and
Helena Bonham Carter, as Madame Thenardier, are usually too much for too
long in their screen roles but here they are reigned in as far as
screen time goes and offer comic relief. Amanda Seyfried, as Cosette,
pales against the rest of the cast.

screenplay by William Nicholson, Alain Boublil,  Claude-Michel
Schoenberg and Herbert Kretzmer based on the original stage musical by
Boublil and Schoenberg which in turn was based on Victor Hugo’s classic
novel hits all the necessary plot points while Tom Hooper, the director,
brings you into the story with those close-ups and some dizzying
editing. There are a couple of scenes that take you out of the story by
being obviously done on a set and looking very fragile.

difference between the mediums is that intermission in the stage
version gives you the  much needed stretch while in the film there isn’t
any break and with the film a little over 2 hours and 30 minutes you
could use one. In spite of the length the movie goes by at a fairly fast
pace and you can almost hear when the audience recognizes one of the
many known songs. The auditorium was full and stayed that way with
applause at the end.

will be seeing the touring company when it opens in Miami February 26
and I have a strong feeling I will be seeing the movie again before that

yes I cried like a baby the last 30-45 minutes which I didn't do in the
stage productions except for maybe "Bring Him Home" :O)

posted on Dec 27, 2012 5:41 PM ()


It sounds great! I will definitely go...thanks for the review and sorry for not keeping up better on reading your posts. I'll try to do better before classes start up again.
comment by jaydensblog on Dec 31, 2012 5:11 PM ()
I'll be seeing it again!
reply by greatmartin on Dec 31, 2012 6:05 PM ()
I hope to see it soon!
comment by maggiemae on Dec 27, 2012 8:38 PM ()
I will probably go see it in a week or two when the crowds thin out a little.
reply by greatmartin on Dec 28, 2012 8:03 AM ()

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