Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > A Jew Looks at Christmas Part 3

A Jew Looks at Christmas Part 3

me the Nativity scene, Santa Claus, the Rockettes, St. Patrick's
cathedral, Carols, Jingle Bells, snow, cold weather, horse and carriage
rides in Central Park, the skating rinks in Rockefeller Center and
Central Park, decorated store windows, hot chestnuts, etc., just to name
a few things--ALL make up Christmas.

79 degrees outside but I can walk into a South Florida mall and see a
Christmas tree, a kid sitting on Santa's lap, watch another kid throw a
fake snowball, hear "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" on the loudspeaker
and it is Christmas for me!!!

my Christmas may not acknowledge Christ or any religious aspect that a
Christian may but I feel as warm, as moved, surrounded by cheers of
"Merry Christmas" or seeing pins on women's clothes of lit up Santa
Clauses as anyone can. I look around and I think of "Peace on earth,
good will to men" whether it is looking at a Christmas wreath or a
Hanuka bush.



was 16 and saw myself as a sophisticated man of the world with my
cashmere leather trimmed, falling just below the knee, overcoat, leather
gloves, brown fur earmuffs and a cashmere scarf thrown around my neck
in cavalier fashion about to take my first horse and carriage ride
through Central Park with someone I had just met in the Oak Room of the
Plaza hotel. I can tell you every inch of that ride and the beauty of
being in the park in the middle of Manhattan surrounded by towering
buildings sparkling like many colored jewels on  a dark, snowy night
three days before Christmas but I couldn't tell you a thing about the
person I was with.




started this series off by saying I probably will never experience
another Christmas season in New York but my memories of such magical
times in my life will be with me forever. Whether I hear a choir singing
carols or "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" or "All I Want For
Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" heard on the speakers in a mall or see
and/or smell holly, mistletoe, a pine tree or a nativity scene or a
menorah or Santa Claus or watching "It's a Wonderful Life" an
unforgettable time will come rushing to me.


 It is never too early for

"Peace on earth and good will towards men"

hope that each of you who have never experienced the magic, the wonder,
the awe, the excitement, the meaning of the holiday, get at least one
chance to have Christmas in New York City.

posted on Dec 24, 2012 6:13 PM ()


I had all of this and then some.You are right this will always stick with you in life.
Thanks for the memory.
comment by fredo on Dec 25, 2012 6:52 AM ()
You make it sound so wonderful, I just might try!
comment by maggiemae on Dec 24, 2012 7:31 PM ()
Everyone should at least once--and it is snowing now up there!
reply by greatmartin on Dec 24, 2012 7:48 PM ()

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