Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Getting Things off My Chest and Other Places

Getting Things off My Chest and Other Places

I am well aware this is going to be very hard for me to follow but it
is ugly  reading political blogs anymore. There were two posts by rabid
Gaza followers who ranted and raved and are not open to listening to
anyone who questioned what they were saying. Honestly they sounded like
the unbelievable shrieking Republican women--yes, women, who made
Republican men sound like wimps--with their name calling and the "Woe is
me" attitude before and after the election. I am going to do my best,
though it will be hard to ignore stupidity, not to read any political
posts or make any comments.

'Free" cellphone--no camera, no texting, nothing but a phone

There has been a lot of talk about 'welfare queens' with long painted
fingernails carrying iPhones, etc. Sorry I don't know where you are
seeing them because I go to the welfare centers and don't see any just
like there aren't Caddies lined up--that's all BS that one unknowing
person tells another unknowing person and just repeats it. As far as
FREE cellphones here is the LAW--a person below poverty level has a
choice of getting a PLAIN cellphone with no camera, no texting, etc.,
with 250 free minutes a month or a lifeline credit on their AT&T
landline--not both. (I think/hope that people have learned from
Sandy--landlines worked in the northeast while many cell towers were
down and not working.) I have the landline and take the credit but I can
count on 1 hand how many calls I make a month and I haven't made a long
distance call in probably 20-30 years. Most poor people I know take the
cellphone to use as 911 use when they are out andaboutjust in case.
Sure there are a few people who 'work' the system  but stop this
shouting about how YOU are paying for it--that is BS!

Folks who know nothing about it shouldn't be talking about H.U.D., food
stamps, etc., and other items that help people survive. Instead of
talking about something that you have no idea about, do some research,
see what the requirements are  and, whether you like it or not, your
vision of a 'welfare queen' went out of vogue a long time ago. Today it
is mainly families who are living in poverty and old people who have
gone broke because they either didn't have health insurance or used all
their assets for a sick mate.

I would really love to read all your blogs but as it is I subscribe
close to 100+ bloggers on 9 different sites and I come home in the
evening to 90 notifications and 65 e-mails. I have to cut back so for
those of you who post 3-6  blogs a day or those who are always posting
YouTube songs accept my apologies for not reading/looking/commenting on
all of them. Aside from my own commitment to myself to post 1 blog a day
I do some other writing and am currently finishing up the last 2 books I
will write.

I've read 5 post by nongay bloggers--both married or not--who do get or
can get over 1,000 Federal tax deductions--and they wrote about a
subject they know nothing about. They do provide gays with laughs but
they keep repeating the same nonsense that in no way helps two people of
the same sex who love each other get married. I am gay(no surprise
there) and I have no, have never had, desire to get married but I know
why people do (and it doesn't have to do with that 1,000+
deductions--hey Republicans how about cutting those out for revenue? You
would certainly see a change in attitude about who gets married!) but
the way it will happen is if these so called allies would help get DOMA


I love the Tony and Oscar shows and never miss them. It looks like the
male Oscar race will be the 'hot' one this year--so far I have seen 8
performances worthy of nominations and the 'big' movies have yet to come

I am just curious--where do you live? In the USA? Another country? What
city? I live in Fort Lauderdale in Florida and I know people from all
over the world blog.

I believe in 'silly' things like: the man in the moon and that the moon
is made of cheese,--hey it makes me smile when I look at the moon and
what's wrong with that? I also believe in some serious things like Santa
Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, etc.

9. Putting in a plug for gifts for the holidays!!

I have a few more things to talk about but I have a 20 pound (+
stuffing with pecans) turkey to roast, a bean, mushroom and fried onion
casserole plus 2 pumpkin/ applesauce/marshmellow pies, not to forget the
yams and salad.




posted on Nov 21, 2012 6:47 PM ()


Happy belated Thanksgiving Martin. I bet you still have left overs! I cooked, but definitely not as much as you.
comment by teacherwoman on Nov 24, 2012 9:54 AM ()
What are 'leftovers'???????
reply by greatmartin on Nov 24, 2012 2:46 PM ()
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Martin!! Re your #1 above: it's a total waste of time to attempt to have a reasonable discussion with a fanatic. How any sane individual could actually believe that Israel is the aggressor is beyond me!! Re your #4: my mother once taught me that there are only 24 hours in a day. You may be a trifle over-subscribed. Re #9: thanks for the tip; I'll have a look.
comment by steve on Nov 22, 2012 10:30 AM ()
Happy Thanksgiving.With the load on your chest not very good for the heartToo bad that Allen will not be there.The turkey and the rest sounds yummy there.Enjoy the day.
comment by fredo on Nov 22, 2012 6:00 AM ()

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