News & Politics
- Iowa takes steps toward public vote on gay marriage
An Iowa panel approved a resolution that would allow the public to vote on banning gay marriage in the state. The state’s Republican led House is expected to pass the resolution
sometime next week. While Iowa Democrats in the Senate are hoping their
26-24 margin will stop the proposal in the chamber, and the resolution
would have to be approved by the current legislature and the one elected
next year before being put to a public vote, it’s still scary to think
about. Let’s hope things start moving on a national level as well.
- Department of Housing and Urban Development hopes to protect LGBT individuals
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is putting together
several rules that would protect LGBT individuals from being
discriminated against when applying for federal housing assistance. Owners and operators of HUD-funded housing could not ask the sexual
orientation of applicants under the rules, and eligible families could
not be discriminated against when applying for HUD-based programs.
Seriously, why isn’t ENDA a thing yet?
- Toronto teens harass and taunt individuals in the gay village
reports of teens harassing and screaming homophobic slurs at gay
Toronto residents have caused concerns among citizens of the city’s Gay
Village. Ezra Anderson, a 47-year-old transgender Gay
Village resident, said recent events, such as students throwing slushies
and hard chunks of ice at gay residents, have her worried. She has
organized a public meeting to discuss homophobia in the community and
educate a local school where many of the teens are believed to attend.
- A gay Atlanta man’s home set on fire because of his sexuality
Staples woke up to his house on fire the same day a rock had been
thrown through his window with an anti-gay message written on it. According to Staples, the message said “‘we know you’re gay. And God
hates gays. You won’t be raping anybody in the county and God’s going
to make sure that you burn in hell.’ And something about my daddy… my
daddy will make sure you burn in hell.” Staples has been out for the
past 20 years and, due to illness, rarely leaves his home.
- Jason Mraz won’t walk down the aisle until the gays can too
Musical man and recently engaged Jason Mraz said at Elton John’s
Concert to Benefit the American Foundation for Equal Rights that he won’t get married to his fiance, Tristan Prettyman, until marriage equality happens. I always did like him and his happy-go-luck music.
Still the hates continued.