Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Entertainment > Movies > Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild--a Movie Revi

Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild--a Movie Revi

This is the first paragraph from the New York Times review of Another Gay Sequel:
"Don’t let the title fool you: there’s nothing generic about “Another Gay Sequel:
Gays Gone Wild!” Written, directed and co-produced by Todd Stephens, this
wretched gaysploitation number is, in fact, the worst gay sequel ever."

don't quite agree with that--aside from the fact that I am unable to
think of another gay movie that made a sequel--but it is not a film
that you want a nongay person to see!!!

gay cliche is in this film--the fems, the butches, the size and penis
jokes, the butt jokes, drag queens,  transsexuals, etc. plus now they
have added all the gross jokes from the nongay teen movies with the farts, vomiting, gross out blood scenes, superglue, 'money shots' that turn you off, sex,etc..

Yes, there is a lot of 'eye candy' but not that many really look that good along with a couple of frontal nudity shots and loads of backside shots.
go in to this film knowing what to expect and that's what you get--1
hour and 35 minutes of corny jokes, very bad acting--a rest for your
mind and a waste of one hour and 35 minutes of your life--but you know
that going in.

Having never seen or heard Perez Hilton before I hope I never see or hear him again--RuPaul has lost whatever glamour she had just a few years ago--Lady Bunny is a
nightmare as are quite a few of the others. I'll spare naming the
'stars' of the movie and hope they are never in another movie, at least
in one as bad as this one is, supposedly (if you can call it that)
written, directed and based on a story (what story??) by Todd Stephens.

the credits there are at list 50 songs, many written and sung by Nancy
Sinatra, but there is no way all those songs were in this movie.

Though the picture supposedly takes place in Fort Lauderdale--there are scenes shot in the Schubert hotel (and their sign isn't visible)--most were shot on South Beach or in California.
This is certainly NOT another "Where The Boys Are" that put Fort Lauderdale on the map 35-40 years ago.

Should you want to waste 1 hour and 35 minutes of your life go see this or stay home and have a good nap, read a book, watch a TV show or just relax.

posted on Aug 29, 2008 7:57 PM ()


What? Gays gone wild? How can that be? Everyone knows gays are so quiet, calm, reserved, well-behaved, modest, properly mannered, and shy. It must have been real tough to find anyone to be in this movie because the pickings must have been exhausted in the original film!
comment by donnamarie on Sept 27, 2008 10:15 AM ()
You know that I would probably end up liking this one with my love of trashy, lowbrow comedy!
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 30, 2008 9:24 AM ()
Well, I guess I don't need to add this one to my "gay education" list.
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 30, 2008 4:48 AM ()
Thanks for the review. NOT going to watch it....I hope.

*Lord please don't let me get sucked in to watching it*
comment by deborah on Aug 29, 2008 8:23 PM ()

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