Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Fat People Versus Thin People

Fat People Versus Thin People

There are exceptions to every rule BUT:

people have their fork/spoon filled with food as soon as they stuff
their mouth with the previous fork/spoon mouthful. Skinny people put
their fork/spoon down between bites.

Fat people eat faster than thin people.

people wear vertical stripes because they like them. Fat people wear
vertical stripes because they think it makes them look thinner.

Fat people, mainly men, wear their shirts outside of their shorts/trousers thinking they are hiding their fat.

Fat people plan everything around food no matter what the event.

Thin people wait for the pizza to cool off a bit while fat people burn their tongues.

Fat people hide behind someone/something when their picture is being taken.

Thin people don't think about their next meal while eating their current meal.

Thin people leave some food (even dessert!) on their plate.

Fat people don't say "I can't finish this, do you want it?"

Thin people's throats lock when they are angry, sad, mad, upset, etc., while the fat person's throat opens wide.

Thin people do NOT eat as much as fat people.

fat people take home doggie bags than thin people and will eat the food
BEFORE they had planned to eat it--like they thought they would have it
the next day for a meal.

There are more fat people than thin people at buffets.

Fat people will average 4-5 more trips at buffets than thin people and their plates will be piled higher.

Thin people don't hide food, fat people do.

Fat people will buy more '50%' off sweets the day after a holiday.

Fat people will eat while doing something else--watching TV, reading, working, etc.,--than thin people.

people will not consume a whole package of something at one sitting,
saving some for later, while fat people will eat the whole thing.

eating finger food--chips, popcorn, peanuts, candy, etc.,--they will
have another fistful before they have consumed the former fistful.

Fat people will be finished eating first in restaurants while thin people will stop eating first at 'in home' dinners.

More fat people will 'taste' food from someone Else's plate.

Fat people will lie about their weight while more thin people will get on a scale in a public place.

Thin people eat because they have to. Fat people eat because they want to.

people don't need an excuse to eat--they eat because they are happy,
sad, in love, not in love, it's snowing, it's not snowing, etc., for
whatever reason they can come up with.

More fat people wear purple than thin people.

More fat people want/need to lose weight but they don't.

fat people, mainly women, will wear something around or above their
neck to try and distract from their body--a scarf, piece of jewelry, a
new hairdo, etc.,--while a thin person will because they like it.

Fat people will eat even when they are not hungry.

Fat people don't say "I'm full. I couldn't eat another bite."

Thin people don't have food 'calling' them from the fridge.

Thin people won't eat 'bad' pizza.

Fat people will eat frozen cakes before they are thawed.

3 PM in the afternoon you will see fat people taking a food break at
fast food places while thin people will just be having a cup of coffee.

Care to add any??????? :o)

posted on Jan 31, 2011 6:48 PM ()


Still picking on me.....
comment by fredo on Feb 1, 2011 4:11 PM ()
Someone has to--no one else does!
reply by greatmartin on Feb 1, 2011 4:43 PM ()
Have a lot to grab
comment by fredo on Feb 1, 2011 9:18 AM ()
Keep dreaming!
reply by greatmartin on Feb 1, 2011 2:46 PM ()
Yep.I am not thin.Just build.
comment by fredo on Feb 1, 2011 9:04 AM ()
Sorry, baby, you are thin--too thin! Nothing to grab onto!
reply by greatmartin on Feb 1, 2011 9:17 AM ()
I do some of that stuff on your list that fat people do...but I'm not fat....YET!!!
comment by aussiegirl on Feb 1, 2011 8:45 AM ()
Ah but now that you are reaching 30 you better watch out!
reply by greatmartin on Feb 1, 2011 8:46 AM ()
Guess that this says it all.Nothing to add.I do not think of fat people.
They are what they want.So let them enjoy all the food there.
Although it is costing the government money.
So as you can see,have not interest in fat people.Let them eat cake.
comment by fredo on Feb 1, 2011 8:31 AM ()
reply by greatmartin on Feb 1, 2011 8:46 AM ()

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