For anyone new to my blogs here is a little background--up til the age of 30 I was an angry, hostile, negative person and then at 31 I went through a profound change physically and 2 years later mentally and emotionally--the latter happened by my going through Transactional Analysis--since then, 1973, my whole outlook on life has changed and because of that I was able to get through some pretty harrowing things in my life.
What I learned didn't come easy to me but I want to share what those lessons were.
1) Use the word won't instead of can't
2) Never say never
3) When you feel guilty you are spending time in the past and when you are worrying you are spending time in the future--when you do either you are not dealing with the here and now
4) You control how you feel--no one else can make you sad, mad, happy, glad, angry etc., unless you give them the power to do it
5) You can only love others after you have learned to love yourself
Along with this I had 4 books that I call my 'bibles':
1) "Loneliness: The Fear Of Love" by Ira Tanner
2) "Passages" by Gail Sheehy
3) "I'm Okay-You're Okay" by Thomas A. Harris
4) "Born To Win" by Murial James and Dorothy Jongeward
Due to these lessons and books I have not felt defeated, discouraged or helpless for the 40 years since then no matter what has happened in my life.
I honestly wish all of you could live feeling happy, positive, looking at each moment you are alive as a gift not to be wasted.