I always loved to travel from the first trip my parents took my brother and me to Miami Beach when I was ll. My next big traveling took place when I was in the Marines from NYC to South Carolina to Camp Pendleton, California to Korea to Japan and back to California.
When I was 20 I hitchhiked from California to Florida to New York and back to Florida--It was a different time then and I wouldn't suggest doing it today--I must admit I had quite a few 'adventures' plus meeting many interesting people on those trips.
I did my major traveling from 1971-1979 when I had the money and the time. I would take off from July 15 to August 15 each year. For 4 of those years I would get in my Cadillac convertible, put the top down and with a triple A book and my gay guide and took off--one year I went through the southeast, another the southwest, the third up to the Northeast and the fourth to the Northwest. I stopped where I wanted, when I wanted and stayed for as long as I wanted.
Another year I went to South America (Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and then on to Mexico) and another year to the South Pacific jumping off from Hawaii and after Tahiti on to Australia and New Zealand going back via San Francisco.
There was the year my then lover and I drove from Memphis to Colorado and from there to Chicago. My lover drove the car back to Memphis and I continued on to Vancouver and then went across Canada.
I took about 6 cruises plus trips to New Orleans, Las Vegas and California. There were short trips to Key West and Disneyworld not to mention many trips to NYC to go to the theatre in the 80s and 90s.
I miss traveling but have stopped for several reasons though I do, one day, want to return to New Zealand, a country I fell in love with.