Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Food & Drink > Eating Out June 2023 Part 1

Eating Out June 2023 Part 1

I don't think anyone would be surprised to hear me say that I could eat out 21 meals a week if I could afford it but even if there hadn't been COVID and inflation causing sticker shock when opening a menu, plus some restaurants adding whatever charges they can get away with I am sort of stuck to eating out twice a week.

In addition to the 4 restaurants above my favorites include Cafe Vico, Big Louie's, Tequila Sunrise, Subway, The Quarterdeck, Arby's, JMarks, The Cheesecake Factory and The Lotus. I usually eat in a fast food place one day and a full-service one the next day and those days are Thursday and Friday, the former after food shopping and the next after a movie.
When Allen feels like something light we go to #1 IHOP where I will have either a cheese omelet or a turkey sandwich, while Allen will go for their cheeseburger which usually runs about $30 plus tip!

When we go to 17th Street (Chase Bank and/or Dollar Tree) it is either Quarterdeck or #4 Outback. This past Thursday we went to the Outback and had: A Blooming Onion, 2 Sirloin steaks with Lobster & Cheese Macaroni--Allen had a salad and I had a baked potato plus he had an Arnold Palmer and I had water to drink with the check coming to $59.83 including tax and tip FOR LUNCH BUT we had a coupon for a free Blooming Onion plus a $10 'reward' on our OUTBACK card so saved $20.

When we go to Winn-Dixie since #2 Jalisco is right across the street we more often than not go there for lunch and in most cases I will either have the Fajitas or Shrimp pasta and Allen will have a seafood stir fry and the check usually runs around $30.

For a change two weeks ago we went to Padrino's #3 for the first time in awhile. It is one of the better-known Cuban restaurants in Fort Lauderdale though they have cut out their lunch buffet since COVID started. Allen had the Mayi's Mahi Mahi and I had the Shrimp Enchiladas and we both had a Flan for dessert with the check coming to $55.88

All in all good food but seeing prices for lunch can make a person hesitate about eating out but whoever said I was a person???

posted on June 10, 2023 9:03 PM ()

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