Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Home & Garden > It is Not Easy Being Green (Gay) Coming Out

It is Not Easy Being Green (Gay) Coming Out

Ask The Expert: ‘How do I deal with anti-gay landlords?’

Estate Expert

Q:  I want to move in with my girlfriend. When we call potential
landlords, they are generally very nice, until they begin asking how many people
are moving into the 1-bedroom apartment. I refuse to deny my relationship with
the woman I have been madly in love with since I was a little girl, but for some
odd reason the apartment people lose their niceness after I tell them that its
just me and her.

I know I can find somewhere a little more gay friendly, but
unfortunately the economy is not on our side. Any suggestions?

- Evelyn, NJ
A: Hey Evelyn! First off, I am proud of you for being true
to yourself and not hiding who you two are. It is a shame the economy isn’t
kinder to you, so you can live in the more LGBTQ friendly communities, which do
seem to command higher rents.
It’s unfortunate that living in an area whose denizens share your world view
comes at a premium. But it’s not hopeless. Let’s take a peek at your
1.      You did not mention anything about your fiscal profile. It may very
well be that you living with a woman is not the hindrance. Could a possible low
credit score, wobbly income or past financial blemish like a foreclosure be the
stumbling block? If so, be upfront with the landlord & explain how you are
currently rectifying your spotty record. Make your case why you are a great
tenant. Glowing references from employers and landlords may help.
2.      Let’s assume your fiscal profile is flawless and that the landlords
are indeed shying away from you two.
The fact of the matter is that many landlords rent to two women all the time;
sisters, classmates, friends. It’s not unheard of.
Can you get through a showing and signing the lease without giving a
dissertation about your undying eternal love for your boo? I’m not asking you to
deny who you are – because after you’ve sealed the deal with the landlord, you
can then shout out at the top of your lungs she’s the woman you’ve been madly in
love with since you were a little girl as much as you want (But not during quiet
hours in your building! You don’t want to give landlord an excuse to evict
3.      A cultural shift has started whereby the public is recognizing that
the LGBTQ community needs to be protected in housing matters.
This month, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
proposed new regulations intended to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation or gender identity in its core housing programs.
Plus, there is talk of amending the Fair Housing Act to prohibit
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation & gender identity too.
They’re moving in the right direction!
But until this crystallizes into law, if you have hard evidence landlords are
discriminating against you & your partner, you’ll have to bring your case to
Judge Judy!

posted on Feb 22, 2011 6:16 PM ()


Good post.
comment by fredo on Feb 23, 2011 10:07 AM ()

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