Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Entertainment > Movies > "The Duke"--movie Review--gateway Theatre

"The Duke"--movie Review--gateway Theatre

I was really looking forward to seeing "The Duke" for many reasons from the fact that it starred one of my favorite actresses, Helen Mirren, and her co-star, Jim Broadbent, always gives a good, sometimes great, performance. They were the leads in this film based on a true story and was being billed as a British comedy which is always a plus when it comes to movies! Also, in its favor it was only 1 hour and 36 minutes which meant it had to move fast. Last, but not least, there was included a story about one man fighting against the system with social overtones and, to a certain degree, showed how the British government did, or didn't, work.

I was ready to relax and enjoy all the above.

The true story is interesting but not worth 96 minutes! Oh yes, that 96 minutes seemed like 4 hours. There was only one time I, or anyone else, laughed but I won't tell you because might as well leave you something to look forward to. There is a twist that unless you know the story you won't see it coming and might not believe.
Mirren and Broadbent are good but there is a whole story between them that is only touched on and could have made for a more powerful story.

The trial section is entertaining to a point but not as funny as the spectators, the lawyers, judges, court personal and the prisoner to think it is.

"The Duke" is really slow moving, not funny, not dramatic and not really a movie worth seeing on TV as it certainly is not worth paying admission to see it in a movie house!

posted on Apr 29, 2022 7:26 PM ()


" the lighting is often so dim I can't see what is going on, plus all the 30-something male actors look the same to me, so I don't know the bad guys from the good guys." I agree 100% plus the soundtracks are so low I miss half the dialogue--I thought it was me until I heard some young folks saying the same thing!!
comment by greatmartin on May 1, 2022 10:33 AM ()
Seems like movies are trimmed to fit a certain duration, and a lot of story gets lost in the process. I always marvel at those movies from the 50s and 60s that ran for three and four hours, so long that there was an intermission built in. Now, it's hard to watch them because the slow pace feels like self-indulgence and showing off on the part of the directors. Another thing I don't like about the movies from the 60s and 70s was the costuming, particularly womens' hair styles - those bee-hives! I'm betting the Grecian women and the western frontier women didn't sport those styles.

But the new shorter movies move too quickly for me. Often I feel like my brain doesn't have time to process what are probably key scenes, and I'm sure it is a function of my age. And also, the lighting is often so dim I can't see what is going on, plus all the 30-something male actors look the same to me, so I don't know the bad guys from the good guys.

What I regret the most is that back story scenes get cut in the need to cram a coherent story into 90 minutes, and they would have vastly increased my understanding of the overall plot of the movie.

But movies are still movies, and once in awhile I give one of them a chance to charm me.
comment by traveltales on May 1, 2022 6:18 AM ()

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