Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Different Day??? Different Year?? I'm Not Sure!

Different Day??? Different Year?? I'm Not Sure!

don't see any difference between 2008 and 2009 or between this Thursday
and last Thursday--wonder if nothing has really changed!! :O)

did take only 1/2 milligram of lorazepam last night and didn't have any
trouble so I guess I will stay on that dosage for a week to ten days
and then will go to a 1/4--by that time I will be seeing my primary.

it is Thursday--not that I am a creature of habit or stuck in a
routine--it meant food shopping day. I first went to Winn-Dixie

still having some credit on the gift card that Chuck and Terry gave me
last week I let them buy me a primrose plant--see next blog--THANKS

After that it was on to Publix where I got some food 'specials' plus a bouquet of Peruvian Lilies that were on sale. (See the blog on them.)
coming home and putting everything away I let the birds out of their
cages and started to 'clean up' some stuff from 2008. Wrote my checks
for rent and cable and that's how I know it is 2009. By the way did you
know you can renew your handicap placard on the Internet and it is
free?!?! Next I have to tackle my filing cabinet and get rid of a lot
of those papers.

Went out to the breezeway around five--now I
know you people in the NH, RI, NY, etc. are going to laugh but it was
too cold to sit out there. My nose was turning to ice and there was a
bitter wind that made shots and short sleeve shirt to skimpy to be
wearing and certainly not warn. This is the 10th, I believe, cold spell
we have had since November--enough is enough!!! If it keeps up I will
have to move to FLORIDA!!!!

I am going to predate about ten
checks with 2009 so I won't make the mistake of writing 2008 and then
will settle in for the night with some fried chicken, a couple of
magazines and some TV--not sure if I will take my every hour on the
hour walk tonight--don't want to put on pants, long sleeve shirt, socks
and sneakers plus a jacket!!!!

posted on Jan 1, 2009 3:36 PM ()


Unseasonable coolness is always cold, whether you live in Florida or RI. I am sorry to hear that it is so cold down there.
comment by lunarhunk on Jan 1, 2009 3:51 PM ()
Oh!how sad is that.No long pants there?
Sound like a nice quiet evening there.
I understand the change in weather.
When you have some nice on and the temp drop this makes a big difference.
Surely things will warmed up soon.Hang in there.Sorry about the icicle on your nose.
should had take a pic of it.
comment by fredo on Jan 1, 2009 3:43 PM ()

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