Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > A Day with Surprises -- Mostly Good!

A Day with Surprises -- Mostly Good!


Allen had a guest coming in from out of town last night and I knew (assumed--and you know what that means!!) he would be busy so I planned on taking the bus to do my Wednesday errands (buy the winning lotto ticket, pick up prescriptions, etc. and then have lunch at the Galleria.) As I was leaving the building to get the bus guess who showed up??? Right, Allen!! We ran my errands and then had lunch at Bennigan's--2 big juicy cheeseburgers with French fries--he had a diet coke and I had REAL coffee--a treat for me--not on;y did I have a 2-4-1 coupon but they were having a Wednesday special--all burgers for $4.99--total cost?? $9.51 plus tip--we left a $5 tip because that is what we saved and were saving money anyway.


When I got home I picked up my snail mail and got a few cards from fellow bloggers including gifts--amazing.

I let the birds out of their cages and as usual Lola and Cassie, the tiels, hopped on my shoulders--after a minute or two Cassie moved to my head and SPITFIRE FLEW OVER AND SAT ON MY SHOULDER--this is the first time in the 4 years I have had her that she did that--of course as soon as I reached for the camera she flew off.


For the heck of it I googled myself (yeah, like you never did!) Under Great Martin there were over a thousand posts--mainly blogs--and when I hit images I was surprised how many pictures there were of me. Then I did the same under my regular name--not as many but still plenty!

Along with the good there is always the bad:

I also read on a blog that I hated straight people--well, it looks like you know the truth now Effie, Vladimer, Buggz, etc and all you great straight people that I have been communicating with--never thought that I would be saying, "Some of my best friends are nongay people," but just to name a few, there is Emily, Lisa, George, Gene, Mary Lou, Jack and so on. Of course this is the same blogger who said I was a bitter, old man and a s#it so take it with a grain of salt!

Last, but not least, so far for today I was attacked by hillaryandbill which I blogged about before this one.

Wonder what my evening will bring?!?!? LOL I love every day of my life!

posted on Feb 20, 2008 3:50 PM ()


' I have to wear boots whenever I exit the house.' Why is the shite piled that high out there?? (Sorry, I couldn't resist!!)
comment by greatmartin on Feb 21, 2008 1:54 PM ()
Wow, a photo of people in shorts and sandals!! I'm so envious, as I have to wear boots whenever I exit the house.
comment by looserobes on Feb 21, 2008 7:30 AM ()
Well I dont think i will visit hillaryandbill (btw I know you also love non-gays)
comment by itsjustme on Feb 21, 2008 12:49 AM ()
My god! Spitfire looks exactly like my dear departed Bubby! Exact same markings and coloration.
comment by jondude on Feb 20, 2008 5:51 PM ()
say Hello to Alan for us.who is hillary and bill?
comment by fredo on Feb 20, 2008 3:59 PM ()

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