Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Canary/canari Melon and a Health Update

Canary/canari Melon and a Health Update

1) It is no secret that I love food and will eat anything (except oyster plant!) at least once if not more. Going to The Pantry once a month is like having Christmas once a month---the Christmas of Santa Claus. They receive goods from Trader Joe's and from other stores, which is passed on to us from beef, chicken, veal, fish, vegetables, fruits, salads, breads, desserts, etc., and, my favorite time there is the 'extra room'. You are allowed to pick two items from the shelves as there aren't enough of these items to give to everyone and I, eventually, got the idea these items came from local stores/groceries that dealt with foreign goods like Italian Torani sugar free classic caramel syrup or local Tarazi Falafel mix and Mike's Huli chicken dippin' sauce--those weren't even the exotic items!

When I got home last Wednesday and emptied the boxes I saw a Canary/Canari melon and after putting everything away (including a Cookies & Cream bar cake made with Oreo's) I googled the melon and then decided to go for it so I cut, sliced, peeled off the rind and ate a few chunks. It was a little bit more white than honeydew and tasted a little bit and found it to be sweet with sort of a pear taste. I then remembered in google it said something about acquiring the taste of fruits around it and it had been in the bin with pears! I haven't tried it yet with other fruits but then again I don't think I would buy it.

2) I had an appointment with the Infectious Disease doctor with a list of questions and without going into too much detail, just a reminder or if I didn't tell you: I was in the hospital for about a week after falling in my apartment and it seems I got infected blood from a cut in my big right toe. I was given a IV in the hospital of anti-bionics and when I came home it was continued until the end of January when I was switched to 2 pills a day, Minocycline, which the doctor said I would be taking the rest of my life.

Among the side effects, aside from the crazy schedule of taking one every 12 hours I couldn't take them 2 hours before or after eating and/or taking other medicines and/or vitamins, I was itching and scratching all over my body, my skin was drying up from head to toes, I wasn't sleeping well but the craziest part was that I had lost my appetite for 2 weeks in early February and though I liked losing weight I had lost over 20 pounds since I started taking the medicine I was getting concerned because since I got my appetite back in March I was eating like I did 40 years ago, and I mean EATING, and I kept losing weight. I never thought I would complain about losing weight but I continued to lose a pound or 2 a week and, no, I am not fading away to nothing but I am still above my old Weight Watchers goal and my own goal but it doesn't make sense and I am worried health wise.

Long story short---I start a new med tomorrow taking 3 tablets a day and I don't know about side effects yet though she did warn me about diarrhea and that I should stop the pills and call her immediately!!

I have all the fun!!!

posted on Mar 23, 2022 8:01 PM ()

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