"Breakfast With Scot" could be a TV movie of the week or a Hallmark Card
Special or part of the Christmas specials being shown on the networks EXCEPT this would have to be on cable as instead of a man and woman becoming
guardians of Scot--that is with one t--it is two men who are partners.
Scot's mother has just died and her lover is irresponsible so he is sent to
live with Eric and Sam, the latter being Scot's uncle, who are in the closet
until the lover can come and get him.
Scot is an effeminate boy who wears his mother's jewelry and makeup in order
to stay close to her. He knows Eric and Sam are gay, though they are in the
closet, but he doesn't know what gay is or even if he might be.
You know where this film is heading from the very first frame and the latter
part of the film takes place around Christmas time to reinforce the 'happy ever
after' ending.
Yes, I cried and, yes, I even laughed out loud at one incident but for the
life of me I don't remember what it is a few hours later!!!
The actors all do their job though Noah Bernett, who plays Scot, goes off
track now and then. I was impressed with Ben Shenkmen who I am not familiar with
and Tom Cavanagh who I have enjoyed in a couple of TV series. Another new face,
to me, was Colin Cunningham, the irresponsible lover, as are Tom's colleagues
who work with him at the broadcasting station though the 'boss' looks
I would definitely recommend waiting for this to come out on DVD as seeing it
on a movie screen really adds nothing to the film or waiting until next
Christmas when it might be shown on a cable station!