I had been blogging at other sites
for a year or two before I discovered blogster in January, 2006. I have
been here ever since posting a blog practically every day---I had made
that commitment to myself--and I have meet some pretty great people
here, had good exchanges, even had a few visit me BUT ever since that
first day I have felt hostility. In some cases it was due to my being an
outspoken gay man and in a few, by their own admission, because I was
Jewish and would be going to hell! No other blog site seemed to have
such negative people who showed a complete lack of respect for others.
Luckily they have been in the minority.
is the only blogging site that I have seen 'blog wars' and even
surprised myself by getting involved in a few which isn't my style but
that's another blog. I did learn, very quickly, to ignore people and/or
delete comments from people I didn't have respect for or didn't want to
get involved in conversations with them.
do have a lot of positive things to say about blogster and many of the
bloggers here but, for a laugh, and I am laughing, these are a few
things said to and/or about me!
Just yesterday someone, thinking they were being original but two people had beat him to it, referred to me as notsogreatmartin.
Two women said that I was passive-aggressive while another woman called me a woman hater.
was called a senile old man by 2 twenty year males and a man older than
me, who I think is really senile, plus a bipolar woman!
was the young gay kid who thinks I am a 'bottom'--he should only have a
'top' like me!--plus he called me names because I like sex.
not forget the 'christians' who tell me because I am a Jew I will be
going to hell--won't repeat what some of them say what will happen to
me because I am gay--I don't know which is worse.
not forget what all the 'patriots', conservatives, Right Wingers, Tea
Partiers and republicans have called me when I comment on how hateful
they are being.
Then, of
course, there is the old, rude, crude homophobe who calls me every name
he can think of and accused me of having AIDS. I, also, suspect he is a
closet case!
Talking about
AIDS I am still in shock that a person could accuse anyone of such vile
crimes as having sex with teenagers dying of AIDS as I was accused by a
very sick woman.
viciously, actively hated by a person who asked my opinion, I gave it
and she didn't like it--things escalated to a point where she physically
threatened me.
I was
accused, without my knowing until just recently, of making a pass at a
would be model (in his own dreams) which was funny because I don't go
for 'fems'---hey, he called me names! Plus I have made it quite clear
that I don't like/cruise the younger guys as I like older men. Of course
at my age there aren't many 'older' men left! LOL
was a blogger who I didn't know if he was a male of female and though I
now know is a male I've decided he has fallen in love with me because
he won't stop leaving me a comment now and then.
It seems I do have a few stalkers here--and they say they hate me but at the same time can't leave me alone.
was shocked that someone would post a private e-mail I had sent, on a
blog, but then I realized that morals, ethics, honesty are lacking in
some people. And what goes round comes round and it did.
yes, aside from the 4,000+ blogs I have posted here of which only,
maybe, 1% have been copied and pasted from other sources, I have been
blasted while other who C & P 99.9% of their blogs are left alone. I
have to guess people are jealous of my writing!
the names I have been called are liar, phony and I was even accused of
being straight! Did you evah?!?! There is more but you get the idea.
Trust me when I say all the above is a very small part of my blogging
at blogster which has been a positive experience. I once remember
reading that a blog shouldn't be longer than 500 words as most people
wouldn't read it. Should I write about all the nice, pleasant, kind,
loving, admiring things that have been said to me or just list some of
the great men and women I have met here it would fill a book.