Tuesday, 01 February 2011

The National Prayer Breakfast is an annual event sponsored by "The Family," a
secretive religious group with ties to many political and business leaders in
the U.S. and around the world. "The Family" is behind the legislation passing
through the Ugandan Parliament right now known as the "Kill the Gays" bill --
which would allow the Ugandan government to imprison or kill LGBT Ugandans...or
those who know an LGBT Ugandan who doesn't report them. "The Family" is using
American money to test their hateful and bigoted ideas in Uganda and other
countries around the world in order to see what they can get away with -- but we
won't let them do so without fighting back!
Join us in petitioning your elected representatives to NOT ATTEND this year's
National Prayer Breakfast as a sign of support for LGBT Americans and our
sisters/brothers around the world!
Click here to participate.
Tuesday, 01 February 2011

CHAMPLIN, Minn. (AP) - Two lesbian high school students who fought for the
right to walk together as part of a royalty court made their entrances Monday to
the cheers of hundreds of classmates.
Sarah Lindstrom and Desiree Shelton wore matching black suits with pink ties
and held hands as they entered the Snow Days Pep Fest at Champlin Park High
School in Minneapolis' northwest suburbs.
The reaction came as a relief to the couple and school administrators. The
district has been stung by criticism of its policies toward homosexuality and
the alleged bullying of a gay student who killed himself.
"It felt amazing," said Shelton, adding that she was too nervous to notice
dozens rise to give her a standing ovation as she walked in with Lindstrom. "I
think we were too focused on getting to the stage."
If there were any boos, they were drowned about by supporters. "I feel so
much better," Lindstrom said while surrounded by friends after the rally.
Sarah's mother, Shannon Lindstrom, camera in hand, joined the other mothers
of children in the royalty court after the rally.
"They had a lot of courage," she said Shelton and her daughter. "Look how far
we've come."
Students voted onto the royalty court traditionally enter the assembly in
boy-girl pairs. After Lindstrom and Shelton, both 18, were elected, school
officials last week announced a change in procedure: court members would walk in
individually or accompanied by a parent or favorite teacher.
School officials said they merely wanted to prevent the two from being
teased. But on Friday, two human rights groups sued on their behalf.
On Saturday, in federally mediated talks, school officials relented. The two
sides agreed that members of the royalty court would be escorted by anyone
meaningful to them, regardless of gender or age.
"This is a new chapter for the district," said Sam Wolfe, a lawyer with the
Southern Poverty Law Center, which filed the lawsuit along with the National
Center for Lesbian Rights and local assistance from the Minneapolis law firm of
Faegre and Benson.
Young women in evening gowns and young men in dark suits walked through a
makeshift arch and to the stage during the Monday afternoon pep rally complete
with cheerleaders, dance teams and the school band. So did two young women in
suits, and the crowd cheered for each one.
"They did great," said Principal Mike George. "I'm proud of our
Several of the students in the crowd didn't understand what all the fuss over
the lesbian couple.
"Some people are against it, but they don't care if they walk down a stupid
runway," said Maggie Hesaliman, 14.
Melissa Biellefe, 16, said, "We're a pretty respectful school. Our rule is
just let people be who they are."
Champlin Park is part of the Anoka-Hennepin school district, Minnesota's
largest, which has been in the spotlight in the past year for its handling of
issues involving gay and lesbian students.
It has been in the crossfire for its policy of "neutrality" in classroom
discussions of homosexuality. It was reached in 2009 as a way to balance the
demands of liberal and conservative families, but neither side has been
completely happy with it.
The issues flared again last year after a gay student, Justin Aaberg, killed
himself. His mother has said she heard too late from Justin's friends that he
had been harassed.
Aaberg was one of six students who committed suicide in the district since
the beginning of the 2009-10 school year, and advocacy groups have linked some
of the other deaths to the bullying of gay students.
However, the district said last month its own investigation did not find
evidence that bullying contributed to the students' deaths.
CHAMPLIN, Minn. (AP) - Two lesbian high school students who fought for the
right to walk together as part of a royalty court made their entrances Monday to
the cheers of hundreds of classmates. Read
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