Before the festivities started (Feb.27) I weighed 186 and 1/2 pounds--at 12 noon today I weighed in at 195!!! Whew--I really expected more than a 8+ weight gain and considering all the eating I did and what I ate it should have been more--even though it is back to the 'cardboard' diet I am not complaining. (By the way, Terry & Chuck warned me not to blame them for any weight gain or else--I'll have to take the 'or else' as I'm certainly not going to blame myself!!!)
Now my doctors may have something to say when I go for blood work, MRI, ultrasound, stress test, etc., next week but I'll worry about that next week!!

It's a good thing Leap Year only comes once every 4 years--I need that much time to recover.
I have a load of things to do, hopefully before Monday, so I can get back into my routine. I have been reading blogs and commenting now and then as I had been up to 200+ notifications--I want to get back to doing them leisurely and commenting on more.
There are 'Thank You' cards to send out--was really surprised at how many people sent me gifts--and between e-mail and snail mail birthday cards my whole wall is covered--they have to come down eventually--along with everything else I neglected a few of my regular daily visits to web sites like talkinbroadway/all that chat, Nationalgaynews, NYTimes and so on.
Sometime this weekend I have to clean the 5 bird cages--when birds start giving you dirty looks you know they are unhappy with their living conditions.
I, also, promised Chuck I would get some pictures together--the ones I have of him over the years and one of our friend Dr. K--then I am waiting on Terry to send me the Haulover Beach nude pictures so I can pass them on. :O)
And then I have to catch up on my sleep--come on--the guys had me up at 7:30 one morning and at 9 another!!!
Still haven't posted my "The Other Boleyn Girl" movie review and then we will be going to our usual Friday movie tomorrow.
Last, but not least, I wasn't careful with my cigarette intake and have to get that back on track starting today, along with the diet that I already started on.
Time to get my breathe, tackle all the above and get into my routine on Monday and for the next 4 years--2012 will be here before I know it!!